Chapter 7: So Confuse

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The next day I went up early and change into my uniform. I exit my room and when I was about to exit the door. Someone was on my way. I look to the person and it was Vincent. His  like and angle even in early morning. "Good morning Alex White. How did you sleep in your new room?" He ask me and smiled a little. "Oh my room was great and I sleep well. Thank you." I smiled back and I was trying to leave him. But he keep getting on my way. "Not so fast Alex. I just want to ask you something." He said to me. "Sure anything." I replied.

He smiled and chuckle a little. "Well last night I heard some screaming in your room. First I heard a man's voice scream and then there was a woman voice too. Now who could that be?" He lean his face close to me. I swallow out of nervous. Maybe he found out about me last night. Or maybe he was sent by the principal to spy on me if I was still talking to Jack.

Then he lean back and hit me on the head with a news paper. "Ouch." I said. "Alex White I'm the head of this dorm and there are no girls aloud here. If you invite girls here you'll be punish for letting someone in. I know you probably have a girlfriend, but that's not an excuse to let her in your room. Okay. Next time don't you let any woman enter the school or the dorm again. Got that?" He said to me and my face was all pail and I was sweating a lot.

"Y-Yes sir..." I was almost out of breath when I said it. I was so nervous I thought he found out about my secret. Then Vincent smile to me and said. "Good now carry on." He pat my head and went to his room. "What was that all about? I almost wet myself." I whisper to myself and leave. I went staring to school, but I didn't went to my room I went around to the office where they keep the students name. I sneak in the office while it was still early.

There are may file drawers in the room. But there were also years written on the drawers. I look for my grandfathers files and there were pictures and names in the files. I took a picture at the files list of names of his 5 friends.

I put grandfather's files back and check this years files who are the students that are in the school with the same last name. First was Victor Andrews, second was Vincent Harrison, third is Thomas Jason, fourth is Peter Thomson, and the last is Fredrick William. But there's non of them that has a V name? It means only one of them is my fiance. Victor and Vincent.

I heard door close out side. I bet its Mrs. Smith. I hurry and put the files together. And open the door. I took a peek to see who came. It was Mrs. Smith the assistant of the principal. She went in the bathroom and I ran quietly as fast as I can and exit the office.I texted Jack that only guys that were my suspect is Victor and Vincent. I ask him if he could also check if one of them has the complete list of clue.

(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) But how do I check the birthmark? Should I ask them to get naked?! (。ŏ_ŏ)

Oh no. No way I'm going to ask them. Maybe there's another way. I'll just have to think again for my plan.
I went to my classroom before it starts.

The class finally started and I was looking at Vincent. He was paying attention to the lesson. The more I look at him the more I see how gorgeous he is. I think I met an angle.
Vincent saw me looking at him. I look away pretending that I wasn't looking at him. He chuckle when I look away.

Then Vincent write in a small piece of paper. I can't see what his writing. After he write he chuckle and pass me the piece of paper.
I look at him and I was confuse and curious at the same time. He point at the paper telling me to open it. I open the paper and it says.
"You really look like a girl. If you were a real girl will you go out with me? (^▽^)"

My eyes widen and I giggle. So I wrote on the paper to send him a reply. I hand him back the paper.
Vincent open the paper and read it.
"It depends if your willing to do it you should work hard for it.   b(^o^)d"

Vincent chuckle and smiled to me, so I smiled back as well.
Victor saw us smiling to each other. He was so confuse what was so funny.

After class I was putting my books in my bag. Then Victor jump on my back. He was really heavy. "V-Victor... Get off!!" I shouted to him and I was loosing my breath.

Victor get off of me and put his arns around my shoulder. "So what were you two giggling and smiling about during class?" Victor ask smiling and he really wants to join the talk.
"Its nothing. We just tell each other some joke." I answered him.

But it seems Victor was not convinced by it. "Really...? Well why didn't we look at the piece of paper you guys keep writing." Victor said and he grab the paper from the bag of Vincent. "Come on Victor give it back. Its not funny." Vincent said and sigh.

"Funny for me. Now let's see what is written in this paper." Victor said and open the paper.
His face got confuse and he look weird at us. "Huh?! You guys are gay?!!" Victor shouted then Vincent hit him on the head with a book.
"No you idiot. Its not that." Vincent said.

"Then what is this then? You ask Alex out." Victor said.

"Its just a joke. Don't you get any joke?" Vincent said and he roll his eyes.
I nod and I agree with Vincent that it was just a joke.

Victor ex hail and laugh. "Hahaha... I thought you guys are gay. But I'm supportive to you guys." Victors said and he put his arms around me and Vincent. "You guys are fine to me no mater what you guys are." He smiled and he was chuckling.

It feels really nice having a friend like victor and Vincent in my new classroom. I think I feel at home as long as I'm with them.

At launch time we all three sit together and we eat launch together. "Hey Vincent if I'm a girl will you go out with me--" just before Victor said it Vincent cut him. "No and never will be. Because you'll be an ugly woman." He said and he drink his orange juice.
Vincent is so cool and funny even his serious almost all the time.
We all had a good time in launch time.

After we eat launch we exit the cafeteria and I remember something that I have to meet Jack in the library to talk about something.

"Oh guys I have to do something you guys go on ahead." I said.
"Okay. Don't be late for class." Vincent said and wave good bye. I wave back and live.

I went in the library and I wait for Jack. Then a text come up in my phone. I check my phone and it was from Jack.
"Sorry I can't make it Alex. I'm kinda busy because I also need yo meet someone. Sorry I couldn't help."
Its said in the text.

"What is more important than mine? Never mind I guess its a family problem." I whisper to myself.

I sit on the floor and I sigh. I just text Jack that its fine and no problem. I just wish we could bond more.

I grab a book in the library and ready a few page. While I was reading the book I hear a scream. "Aaahh!! Somebody help me please!" A guy yield. I look around trying to find the person screaming. Then on the other side of the big book shelf a pile of books was on the floor. And the voice is coming from the pile of book. Then his voice is fading away.
"Oh no!! Don't die!!" I dug really fast to save the person from suffocating.

I finish digging the person and he was catching breath. "Ha.... Thanks... For saying me... Hah... I'm Thomas by the way. Thomas Jason." He said I pat his back and I was also catching a breath. "Welcome... Hah... I'm Alex. Alex White." I replied back.

He looks cute with his glasses. He has a black hair, dark eyes, tall, and he seems like a humble person.
He smiled to me. And his smile was so cute it made me smile as well.

We sat down and started to chat and talk about each other. We laugh and it was like were getting close little by little.
"Hahahaha. You are so funny Alex. I can't believed you used to be a council pres in your old school." Thomas said. I nod and I was full of pride.

"So why are you in the library anyway? I'm here to check some books for the council. So I'm excuse. How about you?" He ask me.
I chuckle a little. "Well I'm here for--" Then I remember that I'm here for Jack. And now I'm late for class.

"Oh no. This is bad. I'm late for class. I have to go. Bye." I said good by and ran towards the exit.
"Alex. Wait." Thomas shouted but I was in a hurry and I went to class.

When I got to class the teacher got mad at me and punish me by going home late.

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