17. Polaroids and Fairs

Comenzar desde el principio

I run to a jet black car. Ally stares down at me.

"Yes, babe?" I ask.

"Can I sit with you, I can't reach the pedal," she pouts. I laugh at her cuteness and tap the seat next to me. She smiles happily and gets in. I push the bar down so it secures the both of us.

The music starts to play, meaning we're aloud to move. I move straight forward, where Dinah is, though she's facing forwards. I smirk smugly and ran into her behind. She gasps and looks back at me, glaring. Ally and I laugh and ride away.

Someone smashes into our side, I look to my left to see Mani and Will in one car. I wink at Mani, her cheeks darken. I laugh and run away.

I see Camz looking helpless so I ram into her. She squeals. I laugh with Ally.

We run into random people, occasionally hitting Dinah or Mani and Will. Camz stayed in the corner, she didn't know how to work the thing. We all laughed at her once we got off of the ride. 

"Guys, let's go to the moving house thingie over there!" Camz points to a house looking ride. We laugh at her words and walk over to it.

We give the guy the tickets and walk onto the first step. It's a mirror maze, oh how I hate these.

Ally leads us with me right behind her, on my tail is Mani, behind her is Camz and DJ. Will decided to film us as we walked through the maze. Ally sticks her hand to her right, her hand meeting glass.

"Ouch." she shakes her hand and walks to the left. She runs into another mirror, hitting her head. She groans. I stifle a laugh.

"Are you okay, baby?" I ask, rubbing her head. She nods.

"Yeah, fine."

We finally reach the end of the maze and walk up the steps. The next part is a ramp, but it moves from left to right.

After conquering that, we move onto the rolling cylinder. Ally squeals, running through. I laugh at her and walk through. We finally reach the top of the house. We pass a bunch of funky mirrors. I see a button and it says 'press me!'. So I do exactly what it says.

All of a sudden, a clown's laugh is blasted through speakers around us. Ally screams in surprise and grabs me, scared. I smile and wrap my arms around her. She buries her head into my head, and I remember she hates clowns. Oops.

"Sorry, Ally baby. I didn't know what it would do." I kiss her forehead apologetically. She smiles at me and nods.

At the end of the line is a slide, fun.

Once all of us reach the bottom of the slide, Will and Big Rob stand there.

"Lemme guess, that was Ally's scream when the clown laugh went off?" Will questions. I nod. He chuckles.


It's 8:45 at night. We're still at the fair. We've hit just about every ride and game there is here, except for the ferris wheel, which we decided to save until the night.

We stand in line for the wheel.

Ally looks up at it, terrified. I forgot, she hates heights too. She hates a lot of things actually. I find it quite cute though.

We finally reach the front of the line, and Al is shaking, squeezing my hand until her hand is white.

We get into the cart, all five of us fitting. DJ brought her polaroid camera, and a few packs of extra film, knowing we'd use them a lot.

Ally sits next to me on my right, holding a small, green eyed, tiger I won her. She clutches onto it like she's hanging onto a cliff and if she let's go, she'll fall. Mani, Camz and DJ sit across from us, taking silly pictures with both their phones and polaroid.

I wrap my arm around Ally's neck, pulling her close. I stare out into the distance as the wheel starts to move again. She shivers as the wind blows, making her clothes snap against her. I unwrap my arm from around her and take my leather jacket off. I put it around her shoulders. She slides her arms into the sleeves and cuddles back up against me. Oh jolly, we stop at the very top. She digs her head into my shoulder, her knuckles white from holding the tiger too tightly.

"C'mere," I bring her closer, closing any small gaps between us. I look back into the carnival as Ally buries her head into my neck. She kisses my collarbone lovingly, making me sigh. A flash goes off, I turn to Dinah. She shrugs and smiles. I roll my eyes and look back at the carnival.

After we get off, Ally has stopped shaking. I smile and grab her hand, intertwining our fingers. She smiles up at me.

"Let's get out of here," Mani says, rubbing her arms. Will notices and takes his sweater off, wrapping it around Mani like I did for Ally. My smile grows bigger as I nudge Ally to look at the interaction happening. She squeals softly.

We walk out of the fair, into the car. Mani, Camz and DJ sit in the back as Ally and I sit in the front. By the time we get to the hotel, Ally's head is in my lap, her eyes closed, sleeping peacefully. It's a beautiful sight.

Camz, DJ, and Mani get out first. I slide out from under Ally and get out. I round the car and open her door. I slide her to the edge and pick her up, carrying her bridal style.

I meet the girls at the elevators, I walk in carrying Al. DJ smiles at me. I smile back.

Once I get to the room, I place her down on her and Mani's bed. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight, babygirl." I whisper, pulling away. I walk into my room. DJ already lays in her PJ's, sleeping. I laugh and walk into the closet. I grab plaid pajama pants and a black tank top. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on, stripping.

I get in, wash my body, hair, and face. Once I'm done, I put on my clothes and walk out.

I slide into the bed next to Dinah. I cover myself with the blanket and close my eyes.


hey guys,

sorry writer's block


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