Chapter 10 None of Your Business

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Jose POV

Jackie open the door before the limo even stopped and stepped out I grab her arm and pulled her to me

"Jackie don't walk away from me" she try to pull her hand "what else do you want I just lost my friendship because of you what do you want to take"

She turns and looks at me with tears in her eyes I let her go and she whips her tear running inside

I sigh and follow her in my family wasn't there they probably went to my uncle Ceaser's house

I was try to fight with myself if I should go see if she's ok I sat in the couch

No I shouldn't if my emotions get to into her I will get hurt like I did with that bitch

I get up and go outside take out a cigar and light it I only do this when I get to stressed I run my fingers through my hair

My phone startes ringing and I answer it "Family Enrique you have been invited to attend the Blue Moon Massacred ball next weekend hope to see you"

The phone clicked off I sighed again f**k I forgot sh*t she's going to be there

I have to go get Jackie ready for that stupid ball

I go back inside to look for Jackie now I have to shield my heart from her warm hazal eyes and soft smooth light brown skin

No Jose keep her out of your heart and mind

I find her in her guest room talking on the phone she didn't hear me her back was to me

"I really miss you David ...when are you coming... ok yea ...I love you..." she didn't finish because I snatched the phone away

I don't know what got into me I threw the phone and it broke "who the hell are you talking to "

I pulled her to me "who the hell is David" she looked up at me looking mad

"Its none of your business you said we can be with who ever we want to as long as the public doesn't know"

I don't care anymore I want her and I don't want any other man touching or having my Corazon

"I don't care what I said your mine and no one else's"

"What after everything you did to me I don't want you near me"

"Are you for real did you for get what I know I could easily send you to you father" I know I wouldn't do it but she doesn't

His Corazon (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora