chapter 5 "Girlfriend"

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Jackie POV

Jose didn't say anything the whole ride to where ever he was taking me it has cross my mind a few times to just jump out the car

But I'm not stupid I mean hes not going to hurt me he's annoying but he I don't see him as that person so I just sit there

He stops in front two big white gates with two big Es in cursive in the middle of each gate he grabs his phone and types four numbers in and the gates start opening he starts driving in

When the trees start clearing I see a huge white house lights on all over the house damn my mom would have gone crazy seeing all the lights on

I look out my side of the window and see a basketball court next to it is a soccor field I look at the house again and see a beautiful white fountain

This place can never compare to the little three rooms one bathroom house that had to be shared with four brothers and sisters and our mother and father I took that thought out my head and looked out the window

Jose stops the car in front of the stairs leading to the house and got out he start walking up the stair

Just because I came with him doesn't mean I'm going to go in with him

He looks back and sees I'm still in the car and cames back I lock the door when he trys to open the door

I know I'm acting like a kid but I don't care "Jackie open the door" I ignore him and pull out my phone his eyes get dark "Jackie abre la puerta" he starts banging on the window

I look up at him and smile "f**k you" and I flip him off I look back at my phone and start playing a game

I wasn't paying attention at what he was doing till the door opened and I was being picked up and carried to the house

I try fighting back but he doesn't even flinch till I smack him across his face he looks down at me and drops me to the ground i get up and that when he pushes me to the door

His face is inches from mine "look here Jackie you might think you know me but you haven't seen the hafe of me"

I couldn't describe the look in his eyes they where so dark I looked at him and I knew I had fear in my face and he saw that to

No I'm not going to be that weak daddy's girl anymore that when i changed my face and looked straight at his face with the hardes look I can make

"Get the F**K OFF ME" I pushed him away and walked to the door opening it cursing all the curse words I could think of well I was walked in thats when I froze


Jose POV

I was still shock from Jackie yelling at me and pushing no one has ever yelled or shoved me like that

I can't say I never been slspped but I have from girls that couldn't get a hint that they where just a hit it and quiet it

She walked away from me and walked in saying words my mom would wash my mouth with soap when I was little

I follow behind her but she freezes there I look up and see my whole family in my living room staring back at us

Oh shit my parents are back from mexico they haven't been here in years and they brought my uncles, aunts, and cousins

I walked up to them grabbing Jackie's hand to follow me I walked up to my mom Maria Enriques and huged her

"buenas nochas mama"

Then I walked up to my dad Luis Enriques and shook his hand "how are you papa" he just nodes everyone is still looking at Jackie

"Buenas nochas a todos esta es mi novia Jackie Santana " thats when everyone smiled I look down at Jackie she had a smile on her face but I knew she was pissed off

"Buenas nochas" she went around and shook everyones hand which shocked me because the other girl would never look twice at my family when they would be her

But at the same time I never dated a mexican girl I've sleeped with them but never dated one

Wait what am I thinking about Jackie isn't even my girlfriend I hardly like her

I told everyone where there rooms are and I walked to my office Jackie following behind

After Jackie walked in I could hear the door close I turn around and was surprised when


Jackie's hand went across my face "what the hell" I looked at her "why did you say that I am nothing with you you know what your family's going to say if thay find out you where make every thing up"

I look at her she was right I they won't like that I lied to them "don't worry they won't find out you have to act like we are a couple"

She looked at me with hate damn I don't know why I am being turned on by that look

I walked to the desk and stood behind it trying to hide my my friend below

She walked up to me on the other side of the desk "whats in it for me"

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