Cuming Out of the Closet

Start from the beginning

"Hello sweetheart!"

"Uh, hey." Wow, I can't believe she's actually calling me. This is weird.

"How's college?" She asks, for once sounding like an actual mom.

"It's good. How are you and dad?"

"We're just fine! How's my baby getting along?"

Okay she's either drunk or on something...

"I'm doing fine. I actually found out Caleb goes here-"

"Oh! The Porter's son!"

Caleb's last name is Porter? Is it weird that I never asked him?

Caleb Porter.

Caleb Something Porter.

Reed Porter.

Reed Benjamin Porter.

Caleb Crawford.

If we ever get married Caleb is so being the one to change his last name.

"Yeah, he's here."

"Oh that's just lovely. I've always liked that boy." I can hear the smile on her lips. Well I guess she approves. "Are you two friends?"

"Actually we're dating. I think." I never really asked him out...

"And you didn't think to call and tell me?!"

Ha, like she would have answered.

"I'm sorry mom."

"It's fine Reed. I guess I should get to the point. Your father's side is handing a reunion and you'll just so happen to be on fall break," she actually paid attention to which day I got out?


"I want you to come! It's a week and it's going to be so much fun for you all!"

"Wait, you're not going?" Of course she isn't.

"Oh no, I can't. I have some work to catch up on. I don't want your father going alone though!"

Great, I don't get a say in this do I?

"You can bring Caleb along."

"Okay!" I answer almost instantly. A whole week with Caleb, yes please.

"Great! Your father will be so excited!"

I don't give a shit about dad, I'm only going to be with Caleb- that is if he wants to come. He better.

"You want me to go to your family reunion?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah! It's my dad's side. They're cool!" It's my mom's side that's too proper and stuck up.

"Why do you want me to go?"

So we can have hot sex in the hotel room.

"So you can meet my family and get to know them!"

Caleb tucks his top sheet into the bottom of his bed and looks back at me. "Why do I need to meet your family?"

"Because," I feel a soft blush on my cheeks. "I love you and I plan on being with you for as long a I can."

Caleb smiles up at me, he's gotten a little taller since we last dated, but he's still slightly shorter than me. "I'll come."

"Really?! You will!"

He nods and goes to brush the hair out of his eyes, only I beat him to it. He leans in closer and wraps both arms around my neck. "On one condition."

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