Chapter 32 : Fight

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I looked up at Jack and saw that he had the same level of shock on his face as me.

We both ran in the direction of the scream, we came back to the doors I was about to go through before I met up with Jack.

Without thinking about it we barged down the door and ran inside. It was quite a scene when we came bursting through.

Rapunzel, Astrid, Hiccup, Flynn, Merida and Kristoff were all engaged in battle with guards that just arrived and more were coming in.

I looked around for Anna, but didn't see her fighting like the others.

Jack immediately joined in and stood next to the others, fighting off anyone who came near.

I joined in also and figured the best thing to right now was fight and then worry about Anna. Plus she can usually take care of herself.

Guards ran at us from every direction. I stood beside Jack and Rapunzel and fought to the best of my ability.

I was deep in concentration when I noticed someone standing in front of me, but not moving.

I round housed a guard and then stopped to focus on them.


He stared at me with a devilish grin on his face.

I walked towards him with anger in my eyes, he was the reason everything went downhill, he was the reason my father died and now it was time to finish this.

I balled my hands into fists and as I reached him, I went straight to punch him in the face.

He easily dodged and swung his leg to try and take out my feet.

I jumped over his leg as it swept past me.

I immediately took that opportunity to knee him in the side as hard as I could.

He barely flinched and lightning fast grabbed my hands and held me to him with my arms crisscross in front of me.

" Listen! " he exclaimed in my ear to get my attention.

I didn't stop struggling in his arms and pushed harder to break free.

" I have a message for you! " He yelled, loosening his grip on me ever so slightly.

I was tired of being handled around, so, not proudly, I did the only thing I could think of.

I swung my foot backwards and hit him where the sun don't shine.

Immediately he let me go and crumpled to the ground.

But instead of him looking like he was in deep pain, he started laughing.

" What? " I demanded.

This made him laugh even more.

" You idiot, " he managed to say between laughter.

I kicked him in the side as hard as I could, he winced in pain, but didn't stop.

" Since you've taken so much time with me, your sister is most likely dead, " he said, showing me a huge grin.

I couldn't hold back the anger, I kicked him again and punched him in the face about 5 times. He started coughing up blood, but I didn't care.

I started crying as I continued to beat him up, but I didn't stop.

" Elsa! " I heard someone call my name.

I felt two strong arms pull me into an embrace, " What happened? "

I continued to cry, " H- He kill-killed Anna, " I stuttered between cries.

I was turned around and looked up at Jack, " Where is she? " he asked.

" I don't know, but Hans said sh- shes dead, " I managed to say.

" And you're just going to believe this tool? " he asked.

I couldn't help, but smile, " You're right, " I said.

I gave Hans one last kick in the side and ran to the only other door in the room.


I wasn't quite sure what was happening right now.

Everything seemed like such a blur.

All I know is that I have to fight.

I continuously punched and kicked anyone that came my way.

I was standing side by side with Hiccup and Merida, fighting off the guards that challenged us.

At some point in time, I broke away from the rest of the group, I noticed in the corner of my eye that Elsa was beating the crap out of Hans, and I felt a twinge of sorrow for her, she didn't know.

I punched a guard in the throat as he ran past me, sending him to the ground and gasping for air.

After what seemed like forever, the guards stopped coming, and only us were left standing.

I cheered and raised my fist in the air and everyone did the same.

I gave Hiccup a punch on the shoulder and he smiled at me, Merida gave me a side hug, and I looked over at Rapunzel.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw her fling herself into an embrace with Flynn, as he spun her around in a circle.

They both had the biggest smile on their faces, they must have realized that everyone was watching, because Flynn put her down and they awkwardly and shyly smiled at each other.

Rapunzel adjusted her clothes and then ran over to give me a hug.

After she let go we all looked around and realized something, Kristoff looked distraught as he glanced around the room.

" Don't worry, it will be okay, " Rapunzel said as she went over to comfort him. He showed a small smile, but he didn't look convinced.

" Wait? Where's Jack and Elsa? " Flynn asked.

We all looked around and didn't see them in the room, but the other door in the room was left open.

" They must have gone after Pitch, " Hiccup said.

" They don't know what they're getting into, " Rapunzwel said, " We have to help them. "

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