Chapter 19 : So Close?

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I walked out of Jack's house feeling totally confident, I don't know how, but I was able to pretty much take control of the meeting and put it in my favour.

Jack had given me a paper full of instructions so I could study them. By the time I made to back to Astrid's I had memorized half of them.

I walked in the door and Anna, Rapunzel and Astrid were waiting on the other side with their arms crossed.

" Where were you?!? " Anna demanded the minute I walked through the door.

" No where, I just had to run an errand, " I tried to cover up, Anna had told me last night that she didn't want me involved with the theft planner and she didn't want me to rob anyone... but I didn't exactly listen.

They glared at me, " She's lying, " Astrid said plainly.

" If you weren't doing anything then what's this? " Anna asked, pulling the piece of paper out of my hands.

" Nothing! Give it back, " I said trying to get it out of her hands.

She put her hand back to get the paper farer away from me, as she did this Astrid reached and grabbed it out of her hands.

She started to read it, " Elsa what is this? " she looked at me.

" I think you know perfectly well what that is, I have to pay back Hans eventually, " I said.

" Let me see, " Anna and Rapunzel said, crowding around Astrid to take a look.

" You are going to rob someone? " Anna asked, looking completely shocked.

" Don't look at me like that, you know I've stolen before, I'm only doing this because I have a debt to pay, " I said.

" You mean we, " Anna corrected, " This is as much my fault as it is yours, I was the one who borrowed from the worst possible person ever. "

I smiled, " No Anna, it's too dangerous, you have no skill in this area of expertise, " I said trying to convince her, I wanted to keep her safe from Hans and that meant she should stay right here where he can't find her.

" I don't think that was a option, " Rapunzel said.

" Elsa, we can help, " Astrid tried to convince me.

I sighed, " I appreciate your eagerness to help, but Jack planned it out to be a one man job. "

They all looked at me with confusion on their faces, " Who's Jack? " they asked almost in unison.

" Is he the "theft planner"? " Anna asked.

" Yeah, he's the one who planned everything, and the plan is happening tomorrow, " I answered.

" Elsa, don't you think you should reconsider trusting him? " Astrid asked.

I thought about what she said, I never even considered that Jack wasn't trustworthy.

" Well, I don't need to reconsider I - " I started, but was cut off.

" I'm not letting you do anything tomorrow until I meet him, " Anna said crossing her arms across her chest.

" Yeah, I agree, " Rapunzel said and Astrid nodded.

I sighed, " No, I don't want to bother him again, " I tried to come up with an excuse, but it sucked.

Anna smiled and shrugged her shoulders, " Well, don't complain tomorrow when all three of us are blocking the door, " she said.

" Urgh, fine, " I said heading back out the door.

They followed me and we made our way to Jack's house.

When we got to the alleyway Anna and Rapunzel were hesitant while Astrid didn't seem to care. Eventually they followed, but not before great consideration.

We came to Jack's front door and I knocked on it. Within a couple seconds he opened it.

He showed us a bright white smile, " Elsa, what's up? And who is with you? " he asked.

" Hi Jack, sorry to bother you again, but, " I stepped aside so he could see Anna, Astrid and Rapunzel, " They said I couldn't leave tomorrow unless they met you. "

" No problem, come in, " he said moving to the side and opening the door fully so we could all step inside.

The moment we were all through the door, they all started asking questions at the same time. I couldn't even understand one of them because they were all so loud and trying to be heard over the other.

Jack looked completely overwhelmed and I couldn't help but laugh. He must've heard me because he looked at me and smiled. 

I decided I would put an end to this and put two fingers in my mouth and whistled as loudly as I could. They all stopped talking and looked at me. 

" He can't understand one of you let alone three, maybe try one at a time? " I suggested. 

After that, Jack invited them to sit down in the living room, we all sat down and they began asking him questions one at a time. 

I was actually really impressed, every question they asked they were trying to trick him, but he was able to come up with a reply that shut them up immediately. And trust me that's not easy to do. 

An hour or two later they were finally done and looked pretty satisfied with their answers.  Astrid, Anna and Rapunzel got up and went to the door, I told them I would catch up and they left. 

" I just want to apologise for that, they are kinda protective, " I said, feeling totally embarrassed. 

He smiled, " It's fine, they seem like really nice people, you should keep them around, " He said. 

I laughed, " Do you honestly think I have a choice? " 

He chuckled and we both stood there, not knowing what to say. 

He stepped closer to me and my heart started to pound. 

" Elsa, I have to tell you something, " he said, breaking the silence. 

" What is it? " I asked, looking up at him, and noticing there was only a few inches between us. 

He looked really nervous, " You- " 

He was cut off by Anna swinging open the door and Astrid and Rapunzel looking at us. 

" We have waited long enough, " Astrid said, as Anna and Rapunzel grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. 

" Tell me later, " I said as I was dragged along, Jack nodded and shut the door behind us. 

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