⚫Secret 3⚫

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I am just gonna speed things up so we can get to the good stuff *wink*


I walked downstairs to see my older sister Mira-nee walking around an wooden chair or stool.

I waited for her to stop and about one minute later she was still walking, is she feeling well I thought as I stood up and walked to the table she had just walked by.

I watched as Mira-nee paced around the house like she was worried. "Mira-nee" I called out, she just kept on pacing around "Mira-nee" I said a little louder as if she couldn't hear the first time.

"Lisanna, just leave her alone" I looked back and saw my mom, I nodded and walked away from my pacing older sister.

She doesn't have any secrets?

I thought.....

She is old enough to keep some to her self, but I'm her sister?

I couldn't help but think those words, I walked to my room which was on the 2nd floor of our house.

I sighed as I flopped on my bed waiting for something else to happen that day.

ring ring

I looked at my phone with eyes widen once I saw the caller ID.

"Why is he calling me" I asked loudly.


I walked outside awaiting somebody to be here, I wore my casual clothes for today.

I was wore my baby blue lace dress that went to the bottom of my thighs and with a white belt with an square in the middle. I had on my light blue boots that were covering my socks that went to my ankles. I had my hair tied in a low ponytail being held by an blue ribbon, and I had on my necklace that went to my chest.

I walked to the park were I was meeting my friend Levy Mcgarden, she has been my friend since kindergarten and up.

"Lu-chan" I looked back to see my friend running towards me.

"Levy-chan" I gasped as she pulled my in an hug.

"It's been forever Lu-chan" she whined grasping me harder.

"We saw each other on Friday" she let go and looked at her phone

"It was yesterday" she said in surprise, I nodded as she put her phone in her purse.

"So Lu-chan tell me" she moaned falling back words to the bench in the back of her.

"tell you what"


She had left me there dumbfounded.

I was gonna walk away until I had gotten knocked back on the bench.

"Sorry Blondie" I looked up and saw an salmon haired guy holding a Frisbee in his hand.

"I don't know my own strength" he said as a smile appeared his face.

"S-s-sorry for-" I got cut off by my own sentence and by a...DOG!

It growled once it looked at me.

"It's okay Bittey is harmless- never mind" he said, his hand went on the dogs head and rubbed it.

"Why did you name that dog that" I said pulling my feet from the ground.

"Because he bites you" Then something scared me it pulled it's teeth out and showed its teeth.

They were so sharp and dangerous, I jumped from my seat and standing on it.

"Don't be scared its my grandpa's dog, I could show you mine if you want" he said.

"Of cour-" I had gotten cutted off by own sentence AGAIN!

His phone had beeped, he looked at it and put it back in his pocket.

"Sorry have to go Blondie"

"What about your doggie"

"We will meet again Blondie"

"It's Lucy" I whispered loudly, enough for him to hear me.

"Luigi" he said walking away.


I heard his chuckle has he walked away with his grandma's dog.

Secrets we haven't told a single soul ~Book 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now