So all that I can do, is make your fears come true.

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Brian sat up in Stefan's bed, breathing heavily and sweating an outrageous amount. He couldn't stand the dream, he would never want to kill Stef. It was hopefully his addiction wanting him this way, right?

"Fuck," he wiped his head with his hand. Brian wished he had never even let the dream stay in the first place. It started to make him think that he had actually killed Stef. His breathing started to quicken, noticing that he couldn't see Stefan near him. His started to whine, right before he was going to cry if he found a bloody body or no body beside him.

He started to grow calm once he saw Stefan sleeping peacefully beside him. But the tall man wasn't asleep for long, once he heard Brian's heavy breaths and sighs, he awoke. He was confused by Brian, unsure of what happened to him. His hair was dripping in sweat and he couldn't seen to sit still. And Stefan was wondering why he was even sitting up in the first place.  

"What happened baby?" Stefan asked, sitting up a little. He caressed his hand around Brian's cheek, trying to comfort him at least a little.

Brian immediately grabbed Stef, enclosing him in a hug. He gave a nicotine-filled kiss to him and huddled closer. "It was only a dream, I love you." Brian repeated this many times, almost to the point of crying it. He really didn't want Stefan to ever leave him. That was one of his greatest fears.

"I do too Bri." Stef stroked his black hair, with the moonlight, making it almost a dark blue. He kissed Brian's sweaty head. "I do too." Stefan really wanted to know what the hell happened in his dream, but realized that Brian wouldn't want or like to talk about that.

Brian collapsed on Stefan, bringing him closer to him. He fell asleep, wishing to be in his arms forever. Stefan just closed his eyes and hoped Brian was fine.


Brian woke up to an empty bed, feeling like he was in his home. He didn't want to be alone at this moment in time, not after what happened last night. There was a little note on the bedside table on the right of Brian, he was glad something could be a sign that his love was still alive.

Dear Ashtray Girl,

Bert will be there until I get back from the store. I'm just out to buy a few things. Take you meds and follow the rules Bert gives you. I love you.

X- Stefan

Brian smiled at the note, but having Bert over to baby-sit him was a little odd, knowing that he was twenty-three. He knew he could care for himself, he had done it before. But Stefan was looking out for him so he dealt with it. He hadn't been alone with Bert in a while anyways, how could that be bad?

He had been hearing someone humming something that Brian had recognized, so it was probably the person Stefan had been talking about in the note. Robert Edward McCracken. 

Brian went out to the kitchen, where Bert was, making breakfast so happy and mom-like. He liked to cook, but it wasn't his job to cook. Hell, him and Brian had really the same job, to sing for a band.  But Bert liked to cook, it was a hobby of his.

"Morning." Bert said, pushing his long brown hair from his face. Bert set a plate in front of Brian and kept on humming the tune Brian recognized, but couldn't place a name to. Brian liked having Bert around, he was a really happy lunatic that Brian had known for a long time.

"Good Morning." Brian replied, taking a look at the empty glass and silverware near his plate. He was wondering what Bert had conjured up today. Bert filled Brian's glass to the brim with water, whilst Brian watched and then drank it. "So did Stef get you to baby-sit me?"

Bert turned around, looking at him with his blue eyes. "Stefan called me and said 'hey do you want to watch Brian?' and I said 'yes'." He slid a freshly cooked pancake onto Brian's plate. He noticed the small blueberries in the area. Of course Bert would add fruit to this, he always did. "Don't you have something to take? Medicine maybe?" Bert gave a mom-ish grin.

Brian rolled his eyes at that comment. "Yes mom. Stop telling me what to do." He got up lazily and searched for his black bag in the living room in the flat. He saw it sitting on the table, the plate hwere he had placed it. Brian took two from the bottle and placed them in his small hand. He read the bottle for fun, not seeing anything unusual that impressed him. He set the bottle down and went back to Bert, where he was sitting on the other side.

"So how's life been going?" Brian asked, whilst he swallowed down the pills with water. The two hadn't been in a room together alone for a long time. So this was feeling a bit awkward for both men.

"Good, the band has been doing pretty great too." Bert had a band of his own, called The Used. They had gotten a call about flying out to L.A. to try to record an album. Bert, Quinn, Jepha, and Branden were all ready. "How have you been with all of this shit?"

"Pretty good." Brian lied, he didn't want Bert to know about his small freak out and dream from last night. "We got a gig to get us signed." That was one of the better things that was happening.

"Thanks fucking awesome." Bert smiled and heard something. Brian heard it too. Stefan came through the kitchen with brown paper bags. Stefan smiled at Brian. "Morning to you." Stefan set the bags on the counter and kissed Brian's forehead. Brian smiled at the twenty-one year old.

Bert got up, leaving his plate unfinished. "I think I'll go now." He smiled at the two.

Stefan filled with sorrow. "You don't have to go. Finish you breakfast, you are allowed to stay here." Stefan didn't mind the dark-haired man staying a little longer.

Bert smiled. "I have to go to practice today anyways. So I'll just be on my way." He grabbed his coat off the red chair he had been sitting at and draped it over his shoulders.

"Okay," Stefan gave Bert a hug, "Thanks for coming over here."

"Thanks for having me here." Bert smiled and rustled Brian's black hair. "Goodbye." Brian didn't mind it, he just smiled and said his goodbyes to his friend. He was feeling happy that he got to see Bert for a little while.

Once Bert left, Stefan got a plate and sat down in his spot across from Brian.  "So, you seem better than yesterday." Stefan looked up at Brian's blue eyes. He wanted to make sure his friend was really okay since his little panic attack the night before.

"Yeah, maybe the drugs actually work." Brian took a drink of his water Bert had given him. He still tasted the medicine in his mouth, the taste was not at all what he wanted.

"Maybe." Stefan got up and looked for a glass still holding something to drink in the fridge. He didn't want to make it himself right now. "Did you already take them today?" The taller man went back to his chair whilst Brian ate. He watched him for a little while until Brian spoke.

"Yeah, I just did a few minutes ago. They fucking are worse than the anti-depressants." Brian had been on a lot of anti-depressants when the two met in the tube station. He broke his habit after a while, but the blues eyes he saw would be willing to start that up again.

"Well, at least they're helping." Stefan replied. "I wanna know something." He dropped his fork onto his plate, he got up and sat back down, clasping his hands together, watching Brian as he put down his fork and stopped chewing.

"What?" Brian fiddled with his drink before taking a sip from it, staring at Stefan. "What do you want to know?"

"Just what happened last night?" I really want to know.

Brian shook his head slightly. "Please, let's not talk about it. It was only a sly dream, and that was all."

So hey, I've been writing this chapter for about a week, so I feel glad to actually finish it. Peace.

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