Crush and crumble under your defenses

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The getting out of the hospital was simple since the doctor had already signed the man out. Stef and Brian got into the taller man's black car. Brian was used to being in the car, but hadn't been in it in a while.

"Back to your house mate?" A normal-looking Brian said. He seemed to be happy, buckling himself into the car. Stef smiled, nodding. The two were off for Stef's flat. He hoped Brian would be fine staying the night at his home. It felt like he was taking this whole worrying-about-Brian thing out of proportion, but he shook that feeling off and drove home.


Stefan opened the door to his flat, he sighed, knowing that when the small man goes home he might be a little frustrated with Stefan. He probably was already, though. With the constant drone of noises in the others' flats. Stefan was lucky he had gotten the one all the way at the back, so the noises were quieted a little.

Brian smiled. "Finally, I am back to something other than a shithole." The man sat down on the couch, satisfied with his life at the moment. Stef sat next to him, smiling.

"I'm glad your back." He truly meant it. He felt like Brian needed to know that his remark was a genuine one.

Brian turned to look at him. "Yeah, I am too." Brian put his head on the adult's shoulder. "I missed you every fucking night though."

Stefan smiled. "Well I did too." Stef put his arm around Brian's latching him in a hug. He didn't want to mention his little freak-out in his black car days before. He just wanted Brian in his arms. "I wanted to stay, but they wouldn't let me."

"I know," Brian sighed and cuddled up beside him. "And now I'm on these fucking pills."

"What are they for?" The tall man wanted to know.

"Just to make me not feel like shit. The doctor went over it, but I didn't want to listen. " The adult with blue eyes looked back at Stef, bringing up a different topic all together. "We need to get onto writing. Robert pissed me off when he said that he had us a show. I wanted to be there when he got it for the band."

"Yeah I know." The other male sighed, blowing Brian's dyed hair. "But it's a show. Did he say anything else about it?"

Brian shook his head slowly. "Just that we get to play a few songs, I'm thinking three since it's a you-get-signed-if-you-win-show. So what do you want to play?" The trio had written a few songs, but at all convinced that they were good.  Stefan had noticed that their newer shows had more people, Brian wasn't convinced though. He just though they were there to get drinks or something, not to watch them.

Stef shrugged. "I'm thinking we should get the band together before we decide." He looked up. "When do you think that should happen?" He wanted his friend to choose what happens.

"Maybe after tomorrow?" He asked, darting his blue eyes to the fridge.

"Yeah that'll work."  Brian got up and Stefan watched him. "What are you doing?" He asked, questioning Brian's behaviour.

Brian smiled and opened the fridge, "Just something. I'm thirsty people need a drink, y'know." Stef could see his eyes catching onto something.

"What are you gonna drink?" He had a clue, and hoped it wasn't what he expected. He sighed, forgetting to clear out his home of anything for a while. Hopefully if Brian got ahold of the drink, it wouldn't harm him in any way.

Brian took a bottle of liquor from the fridge, once Stefan's eye saw it he rushed and took it from Brian's small fingers. "You can't have that."

"Why?" Brian's voice was eager to know. "I want something to make me not remember this shit." He sighed and crossed his arms. "Is this part of what I'm not supposed to have?"

Stefan nodded. "Yeah, I know you're not gonna like it but-."

"But fuck it." Brian took the drink out of Stef's grasp. He dashed, trying to open the bottle while the taller man chased him. Brian started to giggle like a child, this reminded him of when he ran around on his school playground and he was free from harm.

Stef finally caught Brian as he tried to go into his room. He wrapped one arm around the smaller man and used the other to take a grab at the bottle. Brian tried to reach for it but couldn't.  

"You are not having any drinks like this until you are off those god-forsaken drugs." Stefan went into one of his little cupboards and put the beverage in it, closing it whilst the man beside him grew angry. "I don't want you getting hurt." He really meant it.

Brian rolled his eyes like the perpetual teen he was. "But it won't hurt me. I've done it before."

Stefan looked him in the eye, sighing before he spoke a word. "Brian, I care about you very much. You're really the only person I truly care about, and I don't want a single thing to happen to you." He looked into his blue eyes. "You're my ashtray girl, and I love you." 

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