Nothing in my dream that isn't creepy crawling.

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Brian's dream from that night terrified him, waking the small man up at four-in-the-morning. He was sweating and terrified from it. His wish he had never saw what he did.

Brian had arrived to the other man's flat, it was pretty usual for him to drop by every now and then. The small man shook his worries off about this, it was a dream. He could change the dream if he wanted to. He left it alone since Stefan's flat felt like his own home.

Stefan smiled as he entered the room, the small man gave him a genuine kiss and sat down on a beige couch that hadn't been around before. It was usual because Stefan owned a dark blue one. Brian smiled, rushing to the kitchen and grabbing the alcohol that he had wanted to drink in reality.

Stefan took the drink, shaking his head at the man. Stefan's mouth moved whilst no actual sounds came out. This wasn't right.

"Stef," Brian said, making noise. He wondered if Stef could even hear the blue-eyed man. "Stef." He reached for the bottle again, Stefan pulled away. Shoving Brian back so he couldn't reach it.

This was making Brian pissed off. He wanted to hear his friend's calming voice, he also was infatuated with drinking in a dream. We wanted to know what he'd be like, but instead he got more pissed off.

Brian's anger varied at certain times, this time it was more of a hatred. Towards Stef, which he rarely had in the real world. He tried to change the dream, but he was in a dream-paralysis. He couldn't do a single thing besides watch.

The small man took a small knife from his back pocket. He had never even realized this, Brian stepped in with a real world thought. 'Why the hell would I even need this?' But his mind completely went back to the enraged feeling in his chest.

"Stef, I'll give you another chance." Brian snarled, unlike himself. He held the knife to his friend. The taller man grew worried, but wouldn't let go of the bottle.

Brian lunged at him with the knife, pushing it quickly into his chest. HIs white shirt soaked up the blood, leaving his shirt a mess. Brian took another jab at his chest, Stefan cried out in pain, this time he could hear it. Stefan's screams did affect Brian. Making his heart weaken. He had no clue what the hell he had done. He realized what he had done, once Stefan was out cold, dead on the floor.

Okay, I know this is a small chapter, but it was all that I had ready to write for it. This seemed like a good idea to leave it short. Trust me, the next one will be longer so peace.

X~ Z or The_Used_Grrl

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