Stepping Back In Time

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Stefan heard the door open to Brian's room, he looked up, tears still filling his brown eyes.

Jeph, Quinn, Bert, and Branden stepped in, immediately looking at Brian.

"How's he been?" Jeph asked, sitting beside him.

Stef shrugged, he really didn't know. "He hasn't been awake yet. The doctors only told me that he'll wake up soon. They told me fucking nothing else." Stefan leaned back in his chair and took a breath.

He needed to relax.

They all did.

Branden decided to ask something. "Do you know what it was that put him in that state?"

"No." he lied.

Stefan was afraid that him using Ketamine would make everyone feel angry at the one in the hospital bed for even trying such a thing.

He wanted to only talk to Brian by himself about this.

"I'm fucking irritated that you two even split." Bert said. "You two had nothing wrong."

He knew their relationship had been imperfect, Stefan's too. But Brian having Stef was closer to him having happiness than anything.

Stefan turned to him. He wanted to spill everything about what happened, but it didn't seem right to him to tell the truth, or say anything really.

"We don't need to talk about that." It was the only words that wouldn't piss anyone off.

It was better than a 'fuck you, you don't know if we had nothing wrong.'


"We don't need to talk about that." Was all Brian heard when he started coming to.

His head was killing him and he didn't know where he was. All he knew was he had clothes and was up from the bathroom floor.

He opened his blue eyes towards a gray ceiling with nothing wrong with it, just a normal plain ceiling.

"Brian?" He heard a Swedish voice, someone familiar talking to him. In his view was a tall, lanky male, who was two years younger than him.

Brian shot his blue eyes at him and the rest of the people who decided to show up. As soon as his blue eyes shot open, Stefan was smiling and hugging him. He had really no clue what to say. He didn't know to be happy that he was alive or sad since Stefan was standing before him, completely forgetting that he basically put him in this hell.

"Are you alright Bri?" Bert said, being the first one to speak. Stefan would've, but he was too busy filtering his thoughts so he could have a conversation with Brian once everyone left.

He nodded, really lying. His head hurt, he felt sick, and he couldn't really see straight. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"What the hell happened man?" Branden asked. "Jepha and Stefan found you on your floor."

Branden wanted an answer, he was the only one who felt the need to know immediately.

Brian looked over at Stefan, pleading with his eyes to not let them ask. The way Stef looked told him that he was pissed.

Brian just shrugged, pretending to have no clue. "I don't fucking know. I just passed out, but that's it."

Stefan turned around. "Can you all leave for a minute?" He asked.

The lanky man turned to Brian, using his fakest smile to seem that he was going to say something good.

He really wanted to know what was going on with Brian, he never really hit bottom with drugs before. So this was something different to talk about.

"Yeah sure." Quinn said, he turned to the three other and went out in the hall to wait again.

Bert looked back quickly to Brian. He seemed a little terrified that Stefan made them leave.

He wanted to go back and stop whatever was going to happen, but he couldn't do it.

The four sat in chairs outside like they had done before. Bert stood up after a while, giving him some area to see what was happening inside, all he could tell was that Brian was about to be yelled at.

Stefan stood before the bed, leaning over and looking down.

He really wanted to look up and say so many nasty things to Brian right now, but he took a breath of relief and stood up tall again.

"So why is it that you fucking had Ketamine under your bed?" This was probably the only question Stefan could mutter quietly.

"I....I thought you knew I had it." He admitted. He had thought, but Stef just glared with his brown eyes.

Stefan had a ripple of thoughts flow through him. "No, you never fucking told me that." He sighed and looked back up.

"But going that far Brian? Seriously, I thought you were better than that."

Brian really wanted to get up, but he hurt too much. "Well your the one who broke my heart when your fucking walked out on me." He started to burst into tears while the man before him shouted.

"You really think that this is your fault Brian? Really? You were thinking it was my fault? You were the one who called the girl at the bar." Stefan shouted at him.

Brian cried his eyes out.

Stefan yelled more, not realizing the person watching.

"Fuck." Bert whispered under his breath. The shouting wasn't doing the two any good. He could really tell from what he could see.

The doctor appeared, turning the hall to get to the door. He looked down and saw them waiting outside. "You are allowed to go in there if you want to."

He started to turn the doorknob when Bert stopped him.

"He's talking to someone in private right now, so you might not want to." He really hoped the rest didn't notice the fighting.

"Oh," he looked inside at the room. Stefan and Brian had stopped shouting. Brian was crying and Stefan was pacing the room.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." He smiled trying to keep it on his face. "Hope everything's alright."

"Yeah, me too." Bert sat back in his chair and listened to commotion going on.

"I'm sorry okay?" Brian sobbed. "I knew it wasn't fucking wrong of me. I had an urge to, y'know?" Words spilled out, the only thing he wanted to get across was that he was sorry.

"What urge?" Stefan looked up, those same angry tears filled his eyes.

"Just to have another person to love you. I didn't think you really did." He shrugged. "I just-."

Stefan looked him in the eye. "I fucking love you. I thought you knew that." He sat down beside Brian, staring into his crystal blue eyes. "I'd do any fucking thing for you. I thought you knew how I much I love you." Stefan took Brian's face and pulled him into a passionate kiss, not caring if Brian liked it or not.

He pulled away, he could tell Brian wanted more, but he decided to go away so he didn't go as far.

"I think I know now." Brian said, taking the stressed kiss from him.

"Good," he smiled and caressed a large, bony hand around his cheek, "I'm going to get the guys now, are you fine with that?"

Stefan had realized that he needed to clean Brian's home of substances before he got home first.

"Yeah, I just hope they will be fine with the story of our relationship." He looked up, blue eyes shinning. "Are we a thing still?" He needed to know the truth, if he liked it or not.

Stefan smiled and kissed Brian. "If you really want to be."

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