"Newt, what's wrong?" He asks taking my hand, I pull it away and hold my arms around my slim torso.

"I wanna go." I manage to choke out with the lump in my throat and stand up, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes, which are now bloodshot. I ignore my drink and leave it there before walking out of the café, the bell ringing again, I start walking down the pavement when I hear running footsteps behind me.

"Newt, what's wrong?" He asks again just more serious as Thomas grabs my arm and spins me around to be facing him, his face so close to mine and the concern in his beautiful eyes brings me to the breaking point and I burst out into tears in the middle of the street. Thomas wraps his arms delicately around me and plays with the hair on the back of my head,

"S-she lo-oked-d di-isgus-sted at-t me-e." I sob into his chest and he pulls away to look at my tearstained face,

"Baby who did?" He asks softly, as if, if his tone was too strong it would break me into a million pieces.

"The lady, in the café." I answer my voice croaky from crying, I see sadness flash in his eyes before anger replaces it,

"Newt, it doesn't matter what she thinks." He tries to comfort but I shake my head,

"But Tommy, those are the looks my dad gave me, those are the looks that every kid, bully, person in my school - even teachers gave me after my so called best friend told everyone I was gay before transferring schools." I tell him, the memories flooding back like a big wave, I suddenly feel like I'm drowning and try to take deep breaths, I can't have a panic attack right now. Luckily there's a bench outside the shop so I sit down unsteadily, my palms are sweaty and my heart is pounding so much and I can feel it pounding in my ears. My chest has tightened and my breathing is shallow, my hands and body start to shake and I feel cold. Thomas kneels infront of me,

"Newt?" He calls out but it sounds so faint as if it's a bare echo. I bury my head in my hands but it is only to be lifted by Thomas, he places his steady hands on either side of my face, "Just breathe, it will be alright." He reassures me and I nod carefully as I see the concern in his eyes for me. Panic attacks aren't dangerous or fatal but they're scary, I wrap my arms around Thomas and he wraps his around me, I don't care if we're in public. He shushes me and rubs my back until I've calmed down,

"Sorry, the memories of what I was like came flooding back and I can't handle it." I say quietly,

"It's fine baby, we're going back to yours and having a movie day." He grins and kisses my forehead quickly before we get up, he slides his hand into mine and I accept it, I accept his touch and his warmth and him. I really really like Thomas, he can be so seductive and hot and sexually rough but then he can be caring and someone to just be there for me. We arrive at my apartment and he suddenly picks me up bridal style and I giggle,

"Where to now my prince?" He asks in a posh accent, which fails with his American one,

"Surprise me." I answer poshly and he chuckles before carrying me to the bedroom, he places me carefully on the bed, he then turns on the TV and throws a few DVD's at me, then he walks out and I hear stuff in the kitchen being moved. I get my phone and check the time, woah it's already 12:18, I sigh and look through the DVD's. I choose The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid 2 and then the prequel The Little Mermaid 3. He walks back in with a massive and I mean MASSIVE bowl of popcorn, 2 supersize cups with drinks and grins at me, I grin back and show him the movies. He cheers and puts the drinks on my bedside table, then he puts the popcorn in my lap, he puts the DVD in the player and then sits down next to me, I snuggle up to him and we watch the movie.

--Tahm Skep--

The movies have finished and it's 19:39, Thomas sits up,

"Baby I gotta leave." He apologises many times before he listens to me saying it's fine, he gives me a short kiss on the cheek before walking out of the apartment, I close the door and slump on the couch,

Me: Hey Min hoe wanna come round and play video games all night? {sent at 19:58}

Min hoe: I'll be right there. {received at 19:59}

I laugh at his sudden reply and then clean up before he comes, a few minutes after I've finished he bursts in and empties the contents of his rucksack which is 97% games and then a toothbrush and hair gel. I chuckle and he grabs COD Black Ops II then puts it in the PS4 and we each grab a remote. We play on zombie mode which is us vs zombies, Min Min ends up screaming at the screen.

--Tehm Skehp--

At 01:48 am in the morning we have played all of the FIFA's all the COD's and have just finished Mario Kart. I'm shattered, Minho is asleep snoring loudly and lightly drooling, I decide to just sleep here so I close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep, until a nightmare begins...



2nd Sorry for this boring chapter it was just a filler oopsssss DRAMA NEXT CHAPTER THOUGH

3rd Oml my new TBS AU fanfic has already got nearly 30 reads on the first chapter whuttttt and that's in 3 days! You people are just incredible ILYSM

Ttfn shuckfaces <3 xx

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now