Day Four

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Newt's POV

I wake up with my forhead against Thomas' his arms around me, I smile a little it's like we're a couple and he's holding me purposely but he probably moved in his sleep or something. I sigh and resist the urge to run my finger lightly along his jaw and his cheekbones, then my eyes drift to his lips, my heart starts to beat, they look so inviting and perfect. I bite my lip to stop myself from kissing his forehead, I get out of bed careful not to wake him from his sleep, I grab a hoodie and put it on. I give up on my hair and walk into the kitchen, I grab bacon and sausages from the fridge and get a pan. I put my playlist on shuffle, connecting it by bluetooth to the speakers and put it on quite quiet. I think about Thomas, the way his face relaxes peacefully when he sleeps and how his eyelashes are actually quite long, how his hair is dark brown with little higlights of light brownish in it, how his cheeks always have a slight pink tint to them. And how his lips slightly part when he's sleeping, and how his breath smells sweet, like honey or something. I am snapped out of my thoughts when,

Don't Stop by 5sos comes on, I can't help myself, it's one of those songs which I have to dance and sing along to. I put it on really loud so it's like a disco and start singing along, dancing around my kitchen, putting the bacon on, then putting the sausages on.

"DON'T STOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" I sort of sing yell, throwing my hair side to side to the beat, jumping up and down, I probably look so stupid right now. I take the pan and tip the food onto two plates, I dance over to the table with the plates and place them down. I sway my hips side to side,

"AND EVERYBODY WANT TO TAKE YOU HOME TONIGHT!" I yell and turn to see Thomas standing there, watching me smirking, my throat goes dry and I look down and blush, he walks up to me and waits for the right part,

"DON'T STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" He sings reassuring me and I grin, I start singing and dancing again, we both jump around swaying our hips to the music, I laugh and so does he as we do it, his eyes light up when I look at him making a happiness spread throughout me.

The song ends and I stand there taking deep breaths from dancing so much, and look at Thomas who has rosy cheeks from moving around so much, it makes him look so cute and I smile a little, he smiles back.

"I liked doing that." He pants and I nod,

"We should do it more often." I laugh and then sit down at the table and he sits down aswell,

"Did you cook this for me?" He asks me, I look up at him,

"Yeahhhhh..." I answer as if it's obvious,and he grins, he sits down and stuffs his face,

"You're eating as if you haven't eaten in days." I giggle and he looks at me smiling, he has a little bit of sauce right by his slightly chapped lips. I lean over, and put my thumb up, I wipe it away and breath out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, his eyes lock with mine. I feel something like an invisible force pulling me forwards and I lean in a bit, I snap out of it and shake my head sitting back down.

"Sorry, you had some sauce." I mumble and look down at my food and keep on eating it, my heart returning to a normal pace. He takes my hand,

"It's fine." He replies and I look up to see him grinning, my phone buzzes, I roll my eyes and go and get it,

Minho: Hows your playdate with Thomas? ;)

I shake my head giggling a little,

Me: It's great we've built a life sized model of you with a crown out of LEGO.


Me: I was kidding you dumbass.

Movie Boy // Newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now