I've prepared the spare bedroom for you.

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Every so gently Harry laid Eggsy in the passengers seat of his car. The older agent gripped the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white, as he drove to his home across London. His face remained his emotionless as he tried to keep a hold on his emotions. "Eggsy my boy, this is not your fault...." he said sternly but softly. The boy had been trying to sob quietly into his knees the whole car ride. It killed Harry inside to see him like.. to know that he blamed himself for what happened to him. Finally Harry had pulled up to his home and got out to assist the younger man. He stayed silent and emotionless trying for fear of taking his frustration and worry out on the boy. Once he had gently scooped the boy into his arms, he slowly and carefully made his way inside. Eggsy shifted and squirmed in his arms until Harry put him down on a chair in the living room. "'m using your shower" the younger male muttered and quickly trudged upstairs. Harry sighed softly and walked to the spare bedroom and made the bed with clean sheets and laid out a pair of pajamas for the boy. Harry knocked on the bathroom door gently "I've prepared the guest bedroom for you when you are out" he said in a flat voice before walking to the kitchen. He needed a drink and decided to make tea for Eggsy.  The amber liquid burned as it went down his throat, but it was most welcome. For once the agent was at a loss... what would Eggsy want? What would he need? In honestly he wanted Eggsy in his room, safe in his arms. However he did not want to force Eggsy into it after all there was the possibility of Eggsy not wanting to be touched by anyone. It pained Harry to think he could loose the boy, but right now his feelings didn't matter. He needed to make sure Eggsy was alright . The sound of the kettle snapped Harry out of his thoughts. After he had made a cup of tea and honey for Eggsy he slowly walked to the guest room door and knocked lightly "May I come in my dear?' he asked. "It's you house do what ever" Eggsy replied earning a small sigh from Harry as he walked in and set the tea on the night stand. "Eggsy my boy, I am sorry you've had to go through all of this.." he said softly "would you mind if I laid with you...?" he asked softly and knelt so he was eye level with the boy. He needed to be sure Eggsy was okay. He wanted to be sure we was safe. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in your own bed?" The boy snapped back at him. Harry kept up his emotionless mask "I'll leave you alone then my dear." He sighed and stood leaving the room. Harry felt like crying or maybe just putting his fist through a wall. Calm he needed to be calm for Eggsy. He walked to the living room and sat in his chair. Had he lost Eggsy because he couldn't protect him? Harry was once again taken from his thoughts when he heard the front door open and close. He stood quickly and reopened it. "Eggsy? Don't go... please.. " he said to the blondes back. He watched as the boy turned to him with tears in his eyes. "I... I've never had to stay in the spare room..... why?! Why now?! " he cried and sank to his knees "I know I'm disgusting--but I-you've never.... looked at me the way you are now. There's no love. I'm sorry I couldn't fight it him off.. I should have.. I should have..." Harry felt his heart break as he rushed to the boy side and pulled him into his arms "No Eggsy you're not disgusting. I love you. I'm so sorry my love I did not mean to make you feel this way. I was worried my emotions would scare you...." he gently kissed Eggsy and rubbed his back "Stay here with me. In my room.... Our room" The older agent held Eggsy in his arms tightly refusing to let go. 

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