Chapter Forty-Two

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Update: July 13, 2022

You can find a physical copy of 'INKED' on Amazon!! Link in my bio :)

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[this chapter is not edited]

You are my bridge, Emma.

"I'm someone bridge," I mouth, blankly staring at the screen in class. Winter break was over and class already started up full throttle but I couldn't focus, not after what Dylan told me. It's only been a few days and I still could not get over it. "I've never been someone's bridge before."

The rain was his life. Crazy, hectic, merciless, and falling apart with no means of an end. No light at the end of the tunnel, except for that bridge. That bridge being me. I somehow managed to shield him from everything that wanted to bring him down. Crash and burn. Like a crazy rainstorm would do.

Its crazy to think that one person could do that. Its crazy to think that I could do that. I could be that escape. That shield. That bridge, from the crazy rainstorm of life.

"That'll be it for today's lecture," my professor announces, closing his own notes. "See you all next week."

Mindlessly, I pack my things. It was hard to focus lately. Ever since what happened back in December, when Dylan . . . kissed that girl, my mind has felt scattered. Just sitting in class has become difficult. I'm always fidgety, eager to leave and could not, to save my life, pay attention. Something keeps nagging the back of my mind, leaving me to feel very unsettled, like I needed answers to a question I could not formulate. I needed confirmation of something. And for a while I thought it was over Dylan and him confirming that he loves me. But he's done that. I'm his bridge for Pete sake, but I still could not get this thought out of my head.

ME: are you still at work? I just finished class and I don't want to go home yet.

FIGHTER: yeah, come by. Its boring here anyways, maybe you can spice up my night ;)

I chuckle lightly, gazing down at my phone as I make the trek over to Dylan's work.

ME: shut up, loser


FIGHTER: babe, c'mon

FIGHTER: come take control

FIGHTER: I fucking love it when you take control, baby, please

ME: hmm, we'll see

FIGHTER: I'll take that as a yes!

FIGHTER: getting the bed display ready as we text ;)

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head at his last comment. Sometimes, I loved the fact that he worked that the furniture store across from my campus. It could sneak over to his work and take a nap on the displays there without getting in trouble. Other times, it was good for just having some alone. Relaxing and cuddle. Great alone time, but I don't think I could ever . . . have sex with Dylan at his work.

Well, you almost did that one time, I frown. Remember how you teasingly got him turned on but did nothing and then he had you going at a family dinner? Shaking my head at the thought, I continue crossing the street towards Dylan's work. What if someone were to walk in on us? Like his boss? That would be so bad and SO awkward.


The store is completely empty, which explains the blaring music playing on the P.A system. Bungalow by Scott Helman is blasting on the speakers, and a particularly high-pitched voice trying to sing along.

Inked (PUBLISHED) || Dylan O'BrienDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora