Chapter 11

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I swear I stare at the ring for five minutes before breaking the spell.
"What on Earth!?"
The lower shank of the ring was now stone. The rest of the ring remained in its beautiful state, gleaming in the dull sunlight.
Though I didn't notice it previously, the ring had already been turned to stone at the edges before I picked it up. "What kind of ring is this?"
As ridiculous as it might sound to the average Earthly, it made complete sense here. I've seen people use magic here- quite impressive amounts of it- so I wouldn't rule that factor out completely. Though the real question is why the ring is turning to stone. There are even appropriate follow up questions. Who's ring is it? Why did they leave it here? Do they even know it's here? If they do, are they aware it's turning to stone? What happens once the ring has completely turned to stone? All these questions buzzing around in my head, unanswered.
"I have to investigate this further."
But as I'm pocketing the object a ping of guilt hits me.
"What if whoever put it here returns and finds it missing?"
Another problem complicated things. My parents taught me never to take what isn't mine without permission from the owner. My morality wouldn't let me take this so easily. Besides. What if it's Xalale's? It be a little strange to store perfectly good jewelry away, but maybe he had a reason. He might have forgotten about it and doesn't even know it's turning to stone. This issue appears to be recent so I'm certain he doesn't know about it. If it's his.
Going against my better judgment, I pocket the ring and hurry out of the room, careful to make sure no one saw me enter or leave.
I spend a good 20 minutes just entering random rooms since I wasn't quite sure which one was mine. When I do finally find my way back to my room, I take out the ring and examine it again.
"Well, there's nothing I can do at this phrase when its too early to determine anything."
I decide to stash the ring with my only other possession- my dented necklace. Opening the drawer where I hid my necklace, my breath gets caught in my throat.
With shaken hands I pull out my necklace. Dangling in the air, the pendant swings side to side like that of a pendulum in a grandfather clock. My necklace has changed since I last seen it. Like the ring I grip in my hand, my dented, metal necklace has begun to turn to stone. Only the end tip has been affected but it's enough to grab my attention and send my thoughts spinning like a twister has just wrecked my mind.
"No! How!?"
An infinite number of questions begins to fly through my head at lightning speed.
Why is everything turning to stone? Is there a reason behind this? Is it just jewelry turning into stone? No it can't be because the jewelry I'm wearing now isn't affected. Then why is it only my necklace and this ring? Was a cursed cast on me because I took this ring? Should I return it? Why is this happening now? What happens when both of these turn completely to stone?
"Ok, stop! You need to calm down and take this all in. Panicking is not the answer."
I take my own advice and take a deep breath, then begin to pace back and forth with the ring in one hand and the necklace in the other.
"So. Both of these pieces of jewelry are turning to stone. Ok, so what do I absolutely know as fact?" I ask myself aloud. Mom always says to talk the situation out before acting. "Well...I own this necklace so this has something to do with me. It being stone is something of importance. And...that's it. That's all I know for fact, if that."
Burying my face with my hands and fall onto the bed.
I haven't even begun to formulate a plan of escape from here, nevermind from this universe. I need to check if Elvina's and Coxen's village is OK and if they're ok. I need to get this 'true love' mess cleaned up. And now this ring and necklace mystery to figure out! This was just too overwhelming.
Lying on my bed gives me time to think of other questions as well, like what's going on at home? Are my parents home yet? Are they alarmed at my absence?
Thinking these thoughts unleash an aching I haven't felt this whole time until now. I miss my parents, I miss my home. Hell! I even miss everyone in Cauldron! I will find a way home, but that feels so far from here.
Suddenly, out of nowhere and with no warning, I begin to cry uncontrollably. I know it won't help anything, but I just can't stop myself.
I'm sobbing so loudly that I don't even hear the bedroom door being opened. It's only until I sense someone standing next to me. I'm afraid it's Xalale and sit up so quickly that my head becomes dizzy. Once my vision settles down I realize that the figure standing besides me isn't Xalale but the young woman who helps me change.
She's giving me a concerned look. Immediately I feel foolish. To top things off I'm an awful crier.
Wiping at my cheek, I try to recollect myself. "Sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Forgive me for walking in without knocking."
"No, no, you're fine." Getting up, I smooth myself out. "Is it time to get ready?"
"Yes miss."
"You can call me Mallory."
She has never smiled until this point, even then it's shy one, but still a smile.
"Shaykh." I say trying it out. "That's a nice name."
"Thank you. Now I need to help you get ready for supper."
She pulls out yet another horrid dark dress- though grant it it's a dark scarlet. As she works silently on my hair, Shaykh ask me a question I was hoping she wouldn't.
"Why were crying? If I may ask."
"I was just thinking about my family. I'm missing them."
There was brief silence before she responses.
"I know how it feels."
I may have been peering too much into her personal life, but I couldn't help myself. "What's your family like?"
She gives a heavy sigh and begins to braid my hair. "They're wonderful people. My mother, she's sick-" her voice falters. "and she's probably dying, but we can't afford help for her. And my father..."
"I'm sorry."
"She's a tough women and she acts brave for my younger siblings." Her voice brightens at the mention of her siblings. "Ruthven and Fayette. I wish you could meet them. They're the most beautiful, creative, patient individuals you'll ever meet. I don't know what I did to deserve them."
"Sounds like you would do anything for them."
"I would. That's partly why I came here." He voice changes back to its usual sadden, quiet tone.
"What was the other reason?"
She doesn't respond right away and once she's done with my hair she hands me a mirror.
"What do you think?"
I inspect myself. She did a good job- like always- my hair was perfect.
"It's beautiful. Thank you."
She nods and cleans up. I bite my lip so I don't repeat my question. Her evasion of the question leads me to believe that there's good reason she didn't answer it. There was too much hurt beneath the answer.
Surprisingly I feel much better after talking with Shaykh. I wish I could meet her family.
"Are you ready to head down to the dining hall?"
We leave the room and on our way down I say,"Thank you."
She doesn't say anything in response, but instead gives a another brief, but sincere smile.

In the dining hall, I nervously wring my hands as I wait for Xalale to arrive. I'm hoping for a quiet, peaceful diner where there won't be any questions ask or salvage killings.
The sudden sound of doors flying open startles me to attention. With that, a peaceful dinner is a far away dream.
Xalale sits down and buries his face in his hands. I can almost see the clouds of anger rolling off him.
There's a tense silence hanging in the air. He has not once looked up at me and I haven't torn my eyes away from him.
Eventually servants begin to set the table- at a quicker pace than normal- adding to the tension I'm beginning to feel.
The tightly wound cords break.
Before the last two servants can scurry away, a knife has sunken into the back of a petite brunette girl who falls to the ground with a cry of surprise and anguish. The other servant girl makes the fatal mistake to turn around and check if the injured girl is ok. Flames catch the girl's dress and spread, engulfing her. The girl doesn't stand a chance as she's turned into a screeching human torch. I look away before the skin starts to melt off her.
Xalale gets up and leaves the room, creating an icy breeze as he passes by.
I cover my ears to keep out the bloody screams of the burning servant girl. Blocking it out doesn't help, and before I can decide against it, I run out of the room into the darken halls.
Xalale is still storming down the hall, leaving an icy wake in his absence.
"Hey! Wait a second!"
"What the hell am I doing!?"
Why on earth am I running towards a person who is clearly enraged and usual never is. Seeing from the servants' expressions and actions, he's rarely ever like this. I didn't even think anger was an emotion he could feel!
My feet don't slow down, though, until I'm walking at a brisk pace to keep up with him.
"What's wrong?"
He doesn't answer me and keeps walking.
"Slow down!"
Before I can stop myself, I reach out and touch his shoulder. It's a common action to expect at home when somebody notices you're upset. But the rules are different here.
Thankfully my method works and he stops, but doesn't face me.
"What's wrong? Talk to me." I felt like my mother, who so many times ask me the same thing when I was anger or sad or disappointed.
"Forgive me for my outburst, I let my emotions get the better of me." His response sounded tight and he still wasn't looking at me.
"Why are you upset?"
After a few seconds tick by, he sighs and runs his hands through his hair.
"Nothing. This has nothing to do with you Mallory. I'm sorry."
The only light coming in the hall is the bright, haunting rays of the moon as it spills in from a lone window. The way the moonlight reflects off his hair makes it strangely appear navy blue rather black.
I suddenly regret following him down the hall and am about to sneak away when he finally turns around and grips my hand.
The dark anger has faded away from him, but the tension for me still hangs in the air.
"I'm sorry Mallory. I appreciate your concern for me and the patience you've shown me."
"You're welcome." I just want to break free from his touch and get away from him, but he still has my hand.
"I didn't mention how beautiful you look tonight." His calm demeanor is returning back to him.
"Thank you." My voice sounded small to me.
In the ghostly moonlight our bodies are cast in shadows. Xalale is closer to me than I would prefer and we're in an all too familiar position.
I can't lean away and we're only inches from each other. But right before it happens he decides against it and pulls away. Inwardly I breath a sigh of relief.
I figure this conversation, or whatever this was, is finished and I pull my hand free.
"Uh, it's getting late. So goodnight." I never know how to end these unsettling encounters other than walk away. I only manage to get a few feet away before he calls me.
"Meet me at the stables tomorrow."
I stop only for a second to reply. "Ok."
Even though my back is to him, as I'm walking down the hall, I can feel his eyes watching me until I turn a corner.
When I make it back to my room I then only realize I haven't eaten anything for dinner. But strangely food is the farthest thing from my mind right now.
Instead for worrying about food, I get ready for bed. I'm exhausted from worrying. At least in my dreams I don't have to worry.
As I lie in bed I ponder about the events of today. The ring, my necklace, getting to know Shaykh, Xalale saving my life...

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