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"Oh, um, okay," I heard Dan say. The burner phone had started ringing a few minutes ago, and Dan had answered. He looked even paler than usual, which was really saying something.

I assumed it was someone investigating our case based on how Dan was responding. I could only hear Dan's side of the conversation of course, but it wasn't too hard to follow along. But, there were still some parts that confused me. For example, he kept using the name Lincoln Jackson, and I have no idea who he is.

The conversation seemed to go on forever. I was trying to listen, but Dylan kept distracting me. I tried to get him to calm down, but it didn't work. I should've just let him nap longer. 

Eventually, the phone call ended, and Dan turned to me. 

"They're doing what they can, but they haven't made it very far yet," Dan said, smiling weakly.

"Well, at least they're trying," I smile back. It may sound weird, but I'm a little bit relieved. I don't think I'm ready to go home. Before we found this place, I was pretty ready to go back to a regular routine, which included no walking through heat for hours on end or worrying about where we're going to find shelter at night. But now, we have a safe place to stay, where nobody is likely to find us, and Max seems to like the company, so maybe they will let us stay here for a while.

Plus, going back home would mean constant reminders of Heather, and I don't think I'm ready for that. That, and I'm worried that Dan will end up leaving when all is said and done. What reason would he have to stay? After all, I'm just Phil. I don't get why he even saved me, so staying with me after would make no sense. 

"Phil? Are you okay?" I hear Dan ask.

"Yeah, I think I'm still a bit tired," I assure him.

"Me too," Dan says as he sits down next to me.

"I'm not!" Dylan tells us.

"Oh, trust me, we know Dylan," I laugh, as the toddler continues to bounce on one of the beds. I wish I had half the energy that kid did.

"I'm sorry I got us into this mess," Dan sighs, after a few minutes of silence. 

"It's not your fault, you know? I'm the one who did something awful enough to have someone wanting me dead. You had no choice in the matter," I tell him. 

"Phil, I'm honestly convinced that they gave me the information for the wrong Phil Lester. You're a literal sunshine, nobody in their right mind would want you dead. Your personality is way too adorable," he tells me, as he reaches over to grab my hand.

"Dan?" I say, quietly.

"Yeah," he says back.

"I think I love you," I say. I regret it immediately. Dan says nothing. My heart is racing. Why did I say that? Why did I say that? Why did I say that? I've know him for all of a week, if that. But it feels like so much longer.

"I think I love you too," Dan finally responds. 

I'm filled with happiness. It never felt this way with Heather. We had our happy moments, but they always seemed fake. Even in the beginning of our relationship.  She always smelled of alcohol, and I always knew the good moments wouldn't last. It would always end in her yelling at me because she was drunk and I told her she shouldn't go out because she would get hurt, or me yelling at her for not properly caring for Dylan.  

"When all of this is over, you should come live with me," I say softly.

"I think that's a great idea," Dan whispers in my ear.

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