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Dan's POV

      We walk through the door, and see a large, intimidating man, thrashing and screaming, trying to get away with all their might.

"Let us go you-" he starts to say, but with a flick of Max's wrist, the man is silenced.

"Lyle?" Dylan asks.

One of the larger men turns to look at him. The look in his eye changes, from anger to fear.

"Who's Lyle, Dylan?" Phil asks slowly, squinting at the man.

"Mommy's new friend. We stay at his house sometimes," Dylan says.

      "Alright pal, I think you have some things you need to talk about," Max says, squinting at the man. They pull what I think is a wand from their pocket, and start to walk towards Lyle slowly.

      "I'm not talking. You can't make me," the man snarls.
     "I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you," Max says. They hold the wand up to his head, and mutters something quietly.

      Lyle's face goes pale, and he seems to enter a trance like state. He looks so peaceful, it's scary.

      "Who are you?" Max asks him, even though we already know the answer.

       "My name is Lyle," the man responds.

        "What do you know about a man named Lincoln Jackson?" I ask him. I know he must know something, if he didn't he wouldn't be here.

         "I am Lincoln Jackson," Lyle says, in a voice that suggests that admitting he paid for the death of god knows how many people was just a normal thing that normal people did.

        The room falls silent. Nobody know what to do.

        I feel like I'm paralyzed. I always thought that if I ever was to find the man responsible for taking over my life, I'd give him a piece of my mind, or make him pay for his crimes, but now that I find myself looking right at him, I can't even move.

        "Why me?" Phil asks quietly, after a minute. 

         "Heather loved you, and so did her kid. I knew she'd always love you more, unless you were gone," Lyle says.

          "Did you kill her?" Phil asks. He has tears in his eyes. I offer my hand, but he refuses to take it. 

          "She wasn't supposed to die. I loved her, and she saw the good side of me. Until she heard me talking business. She was going to report me to the police, and I couldn't let that happen. I told her that if he didn't kill herself, I'd come after Dylan, and kill both of them," Lyle says. Dylan inches closer to Phil, and Phil picks him up.

          "You- You're a monster!" Phil screams. I can tell how hard he's trying to hold back tears. He really cared about Heather, and cares about Dylan even more than that. I can't even begin to imagine what he's going through right now.

           "Max, I think it's best we turn this guy in to the authorities, before things get too serious," I say softly. They nod quickly, and begin to create a door.

           Phil stands there, quietly. I can tell that he's beginning to cry, but he's obviously trying to hide it, so I just ignore it.

           "Okay, the door is ready," Max says. They open the door, and hold it open. Phil walks out first, with Dylan in his arms. I walk out behind him, and then Max uses her wand to levitate the man out the door.

            "It's right over there, on top of the hill," Max says. I look, and sure enough there is a building. I recognize it as my hometown's local police station. We've made it so far, yet we're in the same place the whole thing started.

            We all run up the hill, other than Lyle, who levitates behind us. I'm out of breath by the time we reach the building.

            Max was the first one to reach the top of the hill, so they hold open the door as the rest of us file in. I let the others go in in front of me, so I can walk in with Max.

            Max, however, seems to have different thoughts. "Go without me. I can only help so much, and you don't need me anymore. This is your battle, and you need to be the one to fight it," they say, weakly. 

           "What are you talking about, Max?" I ask. 

            "Ask your parents about Max Green, they'll tell you. And Dan? Please win," Max smiles. And then they fade away, and I wonder if they were really there in the first place.

             When I walk inside the building, Phil and Dylan are talking to an officer. I walk over to them, and Phil looks at me.

            "Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost," Phil sniffles.

            "I'm fine," I whisper, and the cop looks to me. 

             "Mr. Jackson has been taken into police custody. We have been working with police across the country to stop this man, and we are very fortunate that you've caught him. We are working to confirm that this guy is the real deal, but he's admitted that he did it. It looks like his crimes have finally caught up to him," the officer says. 

              I'm glad that this is finally over. We can finally be normal. I realize our whole trip was only a few days long, but it feels like much longer.

            "Dan? Will you still stay with me? I don't want you to leave now that everything is over," Phil says to me, after the officer leave.

             "Of course," I assure him. There's no way I could leave him.

            "Wait, Dan, where's Max?" Phil says suddenly. I tell him what happened, and he seems to be just as surprised as I was. 

             "If we hadn't just gone through everything we've been through in the last week, I'd have trouble believing that. But, seeing how we did just live through that week, I say we head home. I'm exhausted," Phil smiles.

            We quickly realize that there's no way we'd be able to get back to Phil's place, so we decide to rent a motel, for old times sake. And this time, as we drift off to sleep in each other's arms, I feel safe. 

Kill Phil (Phan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن