Motels and Makeovers

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TW: There is a dream in which a major character and child die, blood, murder. The murder scene is kind of graphic, so please be cautious. Food mentions.

Phil's POV

Sleep doesn't come easily to me that night. I toss and turn, wanting nothing more than to be able to join Dan and Dylan, but it appears to be hopeless. So instead, I am left with nothing to do other than think.

I still don't feel safe. Dan says the people his family work for are extremely talented, so what's keeping them from finding us here? What if they aren't actually a threat, and Dan is just bringing us out here so it looks like I'm on the run, when in reality I've been killed and am rotting somewhere I'll never be found? I want to trust him, I really do, but I just don't know if that will be possible.

Eventually, I manage to fall asleep, but my dreams aren't all that sweet.

"You're going to watch me kill him, and then you'll get your turn. How's that sound, Phil?" Dan growled. He had an evil look in his eyes, worse than I'd ever seen before.

"You monster!" I scream. I try to move from the tree, but I realize he tied me to it.

He walks over to me slowly, knife in hand. "I'm just doing my job, Phil," he says, leaning in close and placing the knife against my neck. "It's the way it has to be."

He walks over to Dylan, who is tied to the other tree. "Dan?" he asks, voice quivering.

"It'll be over soon, Dylan," Dan smirks. Then, I see him push the knife into Dylan's gut. I close my eyes, I can't watch the child who was pretty much my son die. Dylan starts sobbing.

"Oww, oww, Phil, help!" he cries. It pains me to hear him cry, knowing that I can do nothing to make his pain go away. Eventually the crying stops. I know he's gone, just like I will be.

"Your turn, Phil," I hear Dan say. I hear him walking closer and closer. Eventually, the footsteps stop. Then, I feel the knife being pushed through my skin. I open my eyes, and see Dan towering above me. Then, I look down, and see the knife pushed into my stomach. I see the blood seeping through my shirt. I scream louder than I thought possible. Then, everything is black.

I wake up to Dan shaking me. "Phil? Phil? Are you okay?" he asks me. He looks worried, unlike the murderer in my dreams.

"Y-you killed me and Dylan," I say, trying to hold back tears. It's difficult to do when you just watched yourself and the child you raised get killed by a person you really want to make out with.

Dan pulls me into a hug. "Shh, it's okay, it was just a dream. You and Dylan are okay, and I will never hurt either of you, I promise." He whispers.

I feel him kiss the top of my head. "Let's go back to sleep, okay? I'll keep the evil me away, okay?"

I nod, and Dan moves his things so he can be closer to me. We fall asleep for a second time, wrapped in each others arms. This time, the bad dreams stay away.

Dylan wakes us up early the next morning. "Phil, I'm hungry!" he whines.

"Okay, let's see what we have," I say groggily, making my way over to the backpack full of food.

"Can we have marshmallows for breakfast?" Dylan asks, jumping up and down.

"Yeah Phil, can we have marshmallows for breakfast?" Dan smiles.

I roll my eyes. "No, we can't have marshmallows for breakfast," I tell them.

"Why not?" Dylan questions.

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