"This is mad nice." Chanel smiled while going inside the apartment. The floors were newly buffed and had hardwood. The walls were a fresh cream color and the large glass windows was beautiful. The living room was a nice size with a built in fireplace. The kitchen had brand new stainless steel appliances with granite counters and countertops and a granite island in the center. The master bedroom had a large closet with plenty place and the bathroom had a nice tub and glass shower. It was stunning and affordable. Chanel wanted something affordable because she didn't want to branch off her dads money forever. He wouldn't mind but she wanted to have a sense of independence.

          "How you feelin' it?" Tony asked while looking around. In his opinion, he hated the fucking place. He only hated it because Chanel loved it. He was hoping she would hate every apartment they seen today but he wasn't so lucky. He never understood why she would settle for this place when her bedroom at home was the size of this entire apartment.

          Chanel smiled. "I love it and I want it."

          "Damn," Tony mumbled to himself. There was nothing he could do now to change his daughters mind. When Chanel had her mind set on something she went for it and nothing was changing her. Like when she was five and had to pick between a pink toy car and a blue one. The blue toy car was way better than the pink one but Chanel loved the color pink and didn't care in which one was better.

          "Okay let's begin the paperwork." The landlord said pulling out a packet of paper and handing it over to Chanel. Chanel grabbed the papers and scanned through it. It was nothing serious but rules, regulations and a bunch of other stuff she didn't really feel like reading. She signed her name on the dotted lines on each page and handed the papers back off to the white woman.

          Tony handed over the money for first months rent, second months rent and the security deposit. The lady's eyes widened in shock when she seen how much money Tony had on him. She looked at him and smiled before taking the money. Chanel knew with that smile, she was going to try her best to jump on her daddy's dick. These woman nowadays did anything for a nigga with some money.

          "Here's the keys young lady and enjoy yourself." The woman handed over the keys. Chanel took the keys and went in the back to explore the rest of her new apartment. For the most part she was set. She had gotten her car, her place and everything was going great.

          Chanel started up her car and followed her parents back home to their house. She parked the car in the driveway and went upstairs to empty out her bedroom. It was bitter sweet going through her stuff and seeing things from a while ago. She scoffed when she came across all her love letters to Omarion. She pulled out bins and started filling them up with everything that was in her room.

         "You know it's not too late to stay home baby girl. I could call them people up and get a refund." Tony appeared in Chanel's doorway.

          She smirked, "Nah I think I got my mind made up daddy. I'm ready to move out, get a job, have fun and live life."

          Tony sighed. He finally decided to let his baby girl go. She was ready, he wasn't but he knew for her, he had to get ready. She was now a grown woman and there was nothing he could do to stop her or slow her down. This was only the beginning though. If Chanel thought he was crazy and overprotective before he was about to be even more overprotective now. His baby girl was in good hands whether he was around or not.

          "A'right, when you going?" He asked.

          "Probably tonight. I wanna get used to sleeping alone in a place by my self. Can we go shopping tomorrow for furniture?" She answered.

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