Chapter 29: Carpe Diem

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“Cheater!” I heard him yell. I laughed as he chased after me through everyone and finally bumped into my precious car. I ended up hitting two other people’s cars and they gave me dirty looks. Whatever.

Once we got off, Henry pulled my hand and dragged me away from the bumper cars. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!” I exclaimed.

He didn’t answer. We ended up in front of the ‘Kamikaze,’ a thriller ride. It was a gondola with rotating arms. “That looks … dizzy,” I commented.

Henry grinned. “I know. That’s why we’re going on it.”

When we came back out, I was swaying from side to side and I had a slight headache. I was never going on that again! As I veered over to the left, I grabbed a rail for support while Henry chuckled from behind me. “That’s for playing dirty back at the bumper cars.”

I turned around slowly to glare at him and questioned, “What kind of fiancé are you?”

“The very best baby.”

*      *      *

For the past few hours, Henry and I had tried out all the roller coasters and the rest of the thriller rides. That included the ‘Haunted Mansion Horror’. Can I just say, I have never done anything funnier in our life? There had been real life actors in gruesome costumes waiting to scare us, but since Henry was an actor, he knew what would happen. Apparently, when he first started acting, he had worked in a haunted mansion ride. So our plan had been to attack them.

And we sure did. It had been so much fun.

We were on the bike now, going someplace else to eat. I still didn’t know what was wrong with carnival food. Corn dogs and cotton candy was delicious if you ask me.

I frowned once I realised Henry had stopped. We were at a small beach which reminded me of Henry’s ‘special spot’ back at Newport.


It looked perfect. The sun was setting over the beach and guess what was on the lovely white sand? A picnic rug complete with a picnic basket and a guitar case.

“Henry …” I was utterly speechless and awed that he would go to the trouble of setting up a picnic.

He kissed my forehead and caressed my cheek as I stared wildly at him. “No need to thank me.”

I had the strong urge to roll my eyes but I managed to refrain myself from doing that. “Well thank you anyway.”

Henry smiled and took my hand so he could lead me over to the chequered picnic rug. Curiously, I peered at Henry as he opened the flap of the straw basket and took out the various foods he had brought along with him.

First came out a medium-sized plate of cold chicken, then some cheese cubes, crackers and dips and fruit such as cherries, strawberries and bananas. He also took out a bottle of deep red wine and two small plastic cups.

Henry seemed anxious as I stared at the food. It seemed like he was waiting for me to say something, so I did. “This looks great Henry. Seriously.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him scratch his neck. “Thanks.”

We started on the chicken, sharing the same plate and fork. Henry fed me a few pieces and I chewed slowly. It was delicious, especially the sweet chilli flavour which came with it. “Where did you buy this from?” I asked with my mouth full of chicken. It wasn’t polite, I know, but I was sure Henry wouldn't dump me for being a pig.

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