How'd you know? I jumped over a fallen tree and dodged low branches.

That's Teddy's granddaughter, Leena. They had taken her out for a day of fun after her injuries were healed. They went into the woods to do a challenge of who gets to spend a week with her since they were arguing over who gets her first.

As David explained, my blood boiled with rage. She was mine! Is. Mine! I let a growl loose as I picked up the pace, whooshing past the trees. I guess I'll have to make sure I win then.

Coming closer to them, I slowed down my pace and stood far from the group as they had stood around happily. Looking around, I spotted my mate. My beautiful mate. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Okay, so this vast wood is the territory right?" Her voice sounded so deadly heavenly. My heart felt like it was about to burst from just looking at her. "Okay, so you guys know the deal. Whoever reaches me first, gets the rest of the week with me without any interruptions from anyone else. Got it?" She looked to each four boys.

I clenched my fists and lowly growled as I continue to watch from afar.

"She is so mine!" The boy far to the left clapped his hands.

"You wish, bro. We all know I'm getting her." The one next to it cockily commented.

"We'll see about that," the shorter one than the rest coolly said.

"Humph. I didn't know you liked her too, Derek." The last one said then started taking off his clothes. My mate's eyes widen and she quickly covered her eyes, "What the hell Ravior?!"

Everybody chuckled and the rest of the boys stripped down and shifted. Although what they did was hitting a nerve, I was at least a bit calm from her covering her eyes.

"She seems so innocent," I whispered contently.

"She is. When she wants to be." David lightly chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Ready?" Teddy asked all of them as he stood off behind them.

The four wolves stood in a perfect line next to each other and pawed the ground and nodded their heads. "Baby doll?" My mate looked up to Teddy and deeply breathed then nodded.

She went over to stand in front of all of them and turned her back to them and stared ahead. At the same time she did, I had already made my way over to them. As I approached, all of them looked at me shocked then bowed.

I focused my eyes on my mate's backside as she tied her beautiful white hair up in a ponytail. She shoulders moved up and down in a rhythmic steady way.

I stood between the four boys, standing directly behind her short and small frame.

"Because you guys decided to shift, she gets fifteen seconds head start. I'll start the count down when Lenny starts running."

Again they pawed the ground and argued with each other through the link of who was getting her, not even caring knowing that she was my mate.

She's mine boys. Don't waste your time. I said in a low voice as my mate continue to concentrate.

She may be your mate but a deal is a deal. You being here makes it even better! Ravior said as they all chuckled.

They all dropped their bodies low and got ready to dart off as I stood there looking down at my lovely mate, enjoying her scent and closeness.

As she suddenly darted off, within five seconds flat she was out of sight. "Impressive," I mumbled with a smirk.

Teddy counted down and when he got to one, all four darted away after her. "We're glad you're back safe, Alpha," Deanna softly spoke.

An Alpha To Claim And LoveWhere stories live. Discover now