Chapter 9

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I got home drenched from head to toe. My aunt was sitting on the couch watching gossip girl. I ran up the stairs trying to slip. Closing my door behind me I changed clothes. "Why couldn't I see what was in the book". I laid down on my back staring up at my pink celling. Then I had an idea. If I can mediate again maybe I can see the book. I sat up and crossed my legs. "Breath in...breath out" and as soon as I knew it I was in the sim. I stayed calm. "Hey lady!" I yelled at the spirit looking figure. She turned around. "I knew you would return" she smiled warmly I felt like I knew her. "Who are you" I asked. "That is not the most of your worries right now child" I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean." She grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the forest passed the waterfall. Into a cave with crystals and beautiful drawings. "I've never been here before." I said looking around. "I know." She smiled warmly with her translucent lips. "Look into the crystals" she said. "What do you see." "I see...I see me but transformed." "Correct but look closer" I leaned into the crystal hanging from the top of the cave. In it I saw me but with darker hair and  clothes it was me destroying the earth. "Why...why would I do that" I looked at the spirit tears feeling in my eyes. "Beware child of the other side the dark twin still lives inside of you don't let her defeat you" "but how will I know when she is going to fight me" the spirit floated closer to me "you'll know" she looked me straight in the eyes. I opened my mouth to ask another question but then I was disturbed and snapped out of my mind. Something was banging on my window it was loud and thumping all over the place and it just got louder. I went up to my window and saw Angie pounding on the window. It was pouring rain outside. I looked at her and reached for the latch then I saw something in my reflection. It was me but the other me the dark one I saw in my vision. She smiled up at me and she locked the latch at vines with thorns wrapped around it. She smiled devilishly at me and I knew I had to fight or it would just get stronger. I tried using my powers really for the first time. I reached my hand out and the green light and smoke came out turning the thornes into flowers. I actually did it. I said to my self. My dark reflection went away. I opened the latch and let Angie inside.

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