Chapter 3

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Kyle retreated back to me. Of course he let Angie have the map because of his crush. He watched Chris and Angie in envy. "okay I know Chris is my friend and everything.." I stared at Kyle. "yea go on" Kyle continued "but I just...uhh he's so lucky to have a girl like Angie". At that moment I thought to myself what the fuck is wrong with him. Angie is stubborn and really clingy and okay maybe she's sort of pretty or whatever but how could he like her? "Yea we'll keep dreaming bud" I said After a short walk with Angie and Chris being lovebirds and Kyle talking my ear off about Angie we finally got to the cemetery. "and were here" said Angie perkily. Chris and Kyle went off looking for one of the founding fathers, leaving me and Angie at the bench. "so you have a thing for my boyfriend?" said Angie knowing it pissed me off everytime she talked. "no I don't were just friends". "oh just friends" said Angie making quotes in the air. I rolled my eyes and but my earbuds in my ear. "hey we found one" said Chris. I got up and walked towards them reading the grace stones as I walked. "see its say Benjamin Walker, founder of the fire society" said Kyle. "what do these societies have to do with anything anyway" I asked. "they control things in the town, like the fire nation controls the fires eveywhere and heating systems pretty much any thing that has to do with heat" said Chris. "ya and earth,air,water have there things to" said Angie. "I heard that all the they all stood for the elements and the founders had all those powers, that they controlled from the rings they wore" said Kyle. I laughed "yea right Kyle and who told you that?" "Tommy Jones" said Kyle. "dude he lies all the time" said Chris. Kyle shrugged and we started looking for the other graves. luckily they were all right next to each other. Then Angie found something that would change our lives forever.....

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