Snake babies

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Mihawk made a wtf face
"Teach dared me to surprise hawkeyes " Kuma stated "does it look like I have time for sleep overs??"

Hancock relived a bit

"Donqoite Dofalmingo, please pick truth or dare?" Kuma said

"I pickkkk...."

The warlords knew what Kuma was gonna say if he picked dare, it was kind of obv.

"....truth" Mingo said with a wide smile as if he knew the warlords would be disappointed.

"Mingo will you ever show us your eyes?" Kuma asked in his usual tone


"Oh okay"

Doflamingo walked over towards Hancock slowly, he put his arm on her back,
"my poor little hebi hime didn't think she'd get dared by me" he told her

"What makes you think I'm picking dare? I have a choice don't I?"
She said in a rude tone
"You men think you can buy people and control them!!"

Doflamingo snickered and got real close up in her face he whispered something into her ear
Hancock's eyes grew wide "you wouldn't" her voice vv faint it all made sense to her, Doflamingo that bastard.

Mihawk raised his sword in between them, "break it up you two, don't make snake hybrid babies" he told them.

Hancock finally spoke, "I pick dare"

Mingo took two steps back, "I will give you 2 choices" he said
"First, you have to allow one man to stay the night at Amazon lily"

Hancock made a disturbed face

"Second.." He continued " have to sleep over at one of our houses"
Boa smashed the floor with her heel, she obv wasn't sleeping at a "man's" house.
From Hancock's point of view all of the warlords were a mess, but she has some respect for Mihawk and Jinbei. Doflamingo would just taunt her and her sisters, Elder nyonba would yell at her too, but she didn't care for that.

"I'll allow hawk-eyes to spend the night at Amazon Lily" she said in her extreme down looking pose, Mihawk made another wtf face, the poor man just wanted to drink his fancy wine in peace.

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