15. King Aghasthya

Start from the beginning


"Nothing," he said shrugging, "Just mentioning that she was alone with an unknown boy."

Pruthvi frowned. He didn't quite understand what he meant but he was least interested in creating any more ruckus that it was already was.

"Leave it, Dananjay," said Lithika as if she knew what he meant, opening the other door that lead to her bedroom and then said to Pruthvi, "He is our minister's son. Don't mind him."

Then Pruthivi stepped inside her room. It was dazzling and everything was gold plated- the door, the windows, the bed covers, and the pillars. Pruthvi moved around mesmerizing. He sought a painting beside the bed. There was Lithika sitting on the floor with her arm on a aged woman's laps who in turn was sitting on a red and golden throne. Beside her, standing was an aged man dressed like a modern day king. Pruthvi watched the king closely. He was none other than the one painted in one of potrays hung in the lobby of the academy. Only difference was the way he dressed and he definitely looked much older here.

There was a throat clearing sound and hurriedly, Pruthvi turned around. Wearing a pricey tux, standing across him was the same old man from the painting. Lithika went and sat on her luxurious bed. Pruthvi always knew that the two kings would have been living somewhere and he swallowed watching him very much alive right in front of his eyes. He was elegant and was gracefully walking towards him. For once, his sharp eyes opened wide watching him. As he walked closer and closer Pruthvi felt an aura radiating around him.

"Thank you Dananjay for bringing them here," he said to him, his voice gruffly, "Please leave us alone and don't forget to close the door on your way out."

Dananjay bowed and walked out closing the door behind him.

"Pruthvi meet my grandfather-King Aghasthya. Grandpa, he is..." Lithika was saying but her grandfather raised his hand to silence her.

He watched Pruthvi closely for a while. Finally he spoke, "Why did you come here?"

"I had no intentions of coming here," Pruthvi said trying to be very patient, "I was abducted and I don't know why?"

"We took a lot of risk to keep your father safe. If he finds you..."

"Hold on," Pruthvi interjected, "I am telling you, I have no desire to visit this forgotten kingdom or whatever you call it. I was abducted. And I have no intention to stay here. My friends are looking for me..."

"There are others?" he sounded dejected and looked at Lithika.

She shivered for a moment and said, "I don't know anything about it."

"Yes they are," Pruthvi said, "I talked to them. They are searching for me."

"You and your friends cannot stay here. You must leave."

"That was what I was telling her from ages."

"No grandpa," said Lithika, "He can't leave. You know very well that he and his friends can save us from him."

"Lithika we talked about it before. I will be responsible if anything happens to them."

"Nothing will happen to them. They are Samagraha after all."

"I cannot answer Harsh."

"He is dead, grandpa. Can we ever move on?"

King seemed shocked when she said that to which he replied, "He died saving them. Do you want to waste his sacrifice?

(Book 1) Hayden Mackay & The Forgotten KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now