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Joe's POV 

Waiting. That's all I did. I was waiting for to take a breath then breath it out. I was waiting for to open her eyes and look into mine. I would be the happiest guy on earth. 

She nearly died- she did die, in my arms -they saved her. I felt everything fall when I saw her plain porcelain body being dragged by frantic doctors, shouting codes to one and other. She died. Her body was filled with bolts of electricity begging her to wake up, hugging heart until it beats again. She died. 

I haven't moved. They say: "Joe you need to eat" no, "Joe get some sleep" no, "Joe." I never listen. I'm moving. My stubborn mind can't get away from her, what if she wakes up when I leave? Will she I don't care? 

Her breaths are steady. Her frail hand coated with wires. I could have saved her. I tried. I failed. If she dies, it's my fault.

 Her face looks peaceful, beautiful like nothing had happened. 

Mine. My face looks like it's probably aged about 10 years in the past month. 

Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatcherjoe FanFictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن