Just say it...

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Joe's POV

'Well that was quiet night for you Mr Sugg' She was right I was quiet all night, well to be honest I didn't really know what to say, as my thoughts were locked on Verity moving to Thailand. I shrug at her, hopefully she won't question me, but I know her well enough that she will. She gives me a slightly worried look and I look to the floor . 'What's wrong?' She asks me, as she moves closer to me, holding her high heeled shoe in her right hand.

'I don't know , I just don't feel like talk you know' I say knowing that I shouldn't have as it would probably lead to even more questions being asked. I look up at her and she has a worried look on her beautiful face.

'Do you feel like talking know?' Her beautiful brown eyes are hypnotizing me in to replying.

'Yeah of course!' I say and curiosity grows even more and tension starts to the room.

'Is it about me going to Thailand?' How did she now? I nod and I feel her small soft hand graze my arm. I look up at her and the feeling of wanting to kiss her comes rushing back. 'It's okay, we won't lose touch. There's always Skype and you can visit. Plus you don't have to stay at a hotel, you can just stay at mine as the house is massive' she says excitedly.

'I'm not upset, because I might lose touch with you, even though I am, but I'm...' She looks at me softly, and I notice a hint of green in her beautiful brown eyes. 'I'm scared to lose you to another guy' I spit out, my cheeks flushing pink. She takes me in a hug.

'Why didn't you just say so?' she asks me her voice slightly softer.

'I don't know' I shrug.

'Well there are no other boys that interest me right now, so you don't have to worry.' She says pulling away from the hug, I blush at her statement. A smile slides across my face and her body language has grown confident, 'I'm going to go to bed now considering it's one in the morning and I don't want to wake Alex.' She says walking off, pointing at the sparkled Alex that is scattered on the sofa.

I follow through to the bedroom, realizing that I was suppose to sleep on the sofa, so now I have no where else to sleep, but the bed. 'So considering that Alex has the sofa, where do I sleep?' I ask her, she thinks for a while and then comes to a conclusion.

'You can just sleep with me, wow that sounded less kinky in my head.' She says making me laugh.

'Okay, if that's okay with, I mean it's a big bed I don't exactly think that we'll get close if we both stay at either side.' I suggest, she nods and then wanders into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She came out the bathroom 2 minutes later, as I was just about to put my joggers on. Her face with out makeup is pure perfect, and I take a sneaky look at her cleavage, as she bends down to put her clothes in to her bag. The long check shirt goes down to the halfway point on her thigh, and I can't help but wonder about what she's wearing underneath. She looks up to face me and looks shocked. 'what?' I ask looking down I see why her look was so shocked, I'm still in my boxers and I think a certain fella has been turned on. I blush instantly turning around and put my joggers on and I hear laughter from Verity. I then walk in to the bathroom to try and calm the situation down. Failing miserably.

I walk out into the bedroom, and to my relief Verity is under the covers. I climb in to my side, 'Joe?' she calls to me, 'I already know that I won't be able to get to sleep, I could look at this view for my whole entire life and never get bored.'

'Yeah, I've never known London to be so beautiful' I say agreeing with her, I see her move to face me and I start to feel nervous.

'Why did you kiss me in the elevator? I mean I didn't have a problem with it' the question dawns on me, I have to tell her now.

'Because I...' Come on Joe grow some balls! I have to say it, here I go, no turning back now.

Verity's POV

'Because I...' He sounds so nervous, his blue eyes are fixed on me. 'Because I sudjkgdiu' he seemed to mumble that last bit and I really couldn't understand what he was saying.

'What?' I ask, he moves closer to me and he takes a deep breath, I've never seen him this nervous before.

'Because I love you.' The words hit me like cupid's arrow, does he really love me?

'Really?' Please don't say this is a prank, where are the cameras?

'Yes, I know it's fast and everything, but I feel nervous around you, my palms get sweaty and my heart beats faster. Ever since I saw you on that plane I knew I would fall for you. If you go to Thailand, you'll find someone, then you'll fall in love, get married and forget and you'll forget about me.' My heart is in awe, I can't believe he feel this way about me. I reach up and cup his face causing him to look up at me. His eyes are sad and my heart flutters.

'Quit, thinking about stuff that won't happen Joe you'll hurt yourself. You're not going to lose me.' I say putting his worried mind at rest, he smiles at me. 'Come with me to Thailand for a while, if your so scared' his face lights up.

'I like that idea a lot.' He said giving me a huge Cheshire grin, I kiss him and and it takes him a while to realise what I'm doing, but he soon kisses me back. The kiss deepens and I feel him up against me, and his friend too. He deepens the kiss by putting his tongue in to it and he is soon on top of me.

'Joe, stop' I realise that we're going a bit too fast and I would to take things slow with Joe. He looks at me devastated, and then smiles a little bit.

'Don't worry I have a condom with me.' He say as he kisses me again. Wait, what?! He brought a condom with him, I pull away from the kiss.

'Wait, what! you brought a condom with you? Did you know this was going to happen, did you think that you were just going to tell me you love me and then automatically your in! I'm sorry Joe, but I know that game far too well!' I say pushing him off of me and marching out of the bed into the bathroom. I make sure I look the door behind me. I'm sick of boys, I thought Joe was different. I wanted him to be different, I needed him to be different, I let out a little cry.

I hear a knock on the door, 'V? Please I'm sorry I didn't mean it to come out that way. I love you, I really do, please. We can take it slow, I don't mind. I'm sorry, please Verity, open up. I can sleep on the floor, if you don't want to sleep with you.' I listen to every word and he does sound sorry. I walk towards the door. 'Verity, please, I would never do anything to hurt you, ever, I love you please...' I open the door and his eyes look sad. 'I'm sorry.'

'Stop saying sorry, I forgive you.' He brings me into a hug, I want to tell him about my plans, but he hasn't said anything about us being together yet, so I thought I would leave it. 'You need to promise me something something Joe.'

'I would promise anything for you Verity' my heart flutters.

'Don't break my heart.' I say into his chest.

'I wouldn't ever do that Verity, I love you too much.' He tightens his hug and I felt a little bit uncomfortable.

'Joe, I can't breathe.' We both laugh and he pulls away, and he pecks me on the lips.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' I kissed him and he smiled at me.

'Yes' he kisses me again, 'come on then, I'm tired now.' He giggles and we climb back into bed, we eventually fall asleep in eachothers arms.

AN-This a bit of a short chapter, but I didn't know what to write, so yeah. hope your enjoying the book so far. Stay tuned for more romance between Verity and Joe! Love ya xx

Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatcherjoe FanFictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat