Go away

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Verity's POV

'Riley, go away!' I shout at him, he grabs my hand and pulls me away, I can't get out of his tight grip. 'Riley, let go of me please!' I shout again, but I get no answer. We suddenly stop and he pulls me so I'm in front of him and pushes me up against the wall.

A couple of hours earlier

'Hey Naomi!' I said as she opened her door to James and I.

'Hi' she brought me into a hug. 'Marcus is through there, so James go through to him while I have a girly chat with V.' James walks through into the living room to marcus and while I was dragged into the kitchen where naomi sat me down to have a chat. 'So...Again I'm not suppose to tell you this but I just couldn't not tell you, I need a drum roll.' I laughed and I did a exaggerated drum roll on the kitchen counter like she said and then she brought up her left hand from under the counter. Oh. My. Holy. Nutella. She has the most beautiful engagement ring I have ever seen, my jaw dropped open and she did a little happy dance. I hugged and told to spill every detail possible. Turns out my cousin is the biggest romantic ever! He proposed a few days ago in the rain and he got a jazz band to sing all of me by john legend, to be honest I didn't think marcus had it in him. 'I want you to be the maid of honour, marcus is going to ask alfie to be his bestman and please act like you don't know when we do announce it.' she pleaded.

'Oh my god! Thankyou and I will don't worry, shall we go and see what the boys are up to?' She nodded at my suggestion and we made our way into the livingroom.

'Verity said that we can do a twin tag, but it's going to be a twin off. I'm going to win though.' I laugh at my brother, then shake my head at him.

'In your dreams J, I'm obviously the best twin, I have been since birth' I say winding him up.

'Are you sure about that?' He asks.

'Oh I'm certain' I say with all the confidence in the world. Just then James jumps on to me and starts to wrestle me, I pinned him down and he started tickling me. There was a chyme at the door and it distracted James as he stood up, so I took this as a chance to jump on to his back. He ran into the lobby and then threw me on to the floor, I then laughed, 'I'm still the best twin!' I saw the anger in his eyes and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder then jumped up and down. 'James! James! JAMES! PUT ME DOWN NOW!'

'Only if you say "James is the best twin and he always will be"' I laughed at his offer, I would never say that I will bring that to my grave.

'Never!' I shout he then takes me in to the living room, where everyone who has just arrived are mingling.

'Hey!' Shouts Zoe popping her head in to my vision.

'Hi, I haven't seen you since Marcus' birthday, I would hug you, but you know I'm kind of caught up her.' I say and she giggles.

'Yeah I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Joe hasn't stopped talking about you ever since he got back from thailand and I'm starting to think that there is something going on with you two.' She wiggles her eyebrow and I blush a little bit.

'I heard my name' Joe said butting in to our conversation.

'I was talking to Verity about how you haven't stopped talking about her ever since you came back from thailand' Joe blushed at Zoe's explanation. He smirked at me and I smiled back flirtatiously, 'are you two flirting with each other?' Zoe asks.

'Maybe' Joe say and Zoe shivers, making Joe and I giggle.

'James can you put me down now?' I shout at him, struggling while doing so.

'Nope, not until you say that I'm the best twin' he replies, I wish I could just teleport myself out of his grip.

'I hate you' I say sighing.

'I love you too sis' he says, right in that moment I thought of an idea.

'Joe come here a sec' I gestured Joe to come closer, then when he was close enough I learnt in a kissed him. I knew this would get James to put me down and at the the same time I really wanted to feel Joe's soft lips on mine again. Joe finally kissed me back and he tried to deepen it, but James turned around making us part the kiss.

'Where you two just kissing?' James asked. I nodded and I knew that James could tell I was nodding, he put me down. Yes! It worked. I rushed over to Joe and kissed on the cheek. 'Never do that again' he shivered and walked off to talk to Marcus.

'So was that Kiss just so you could get off James back?' Joe whispered in my ear as we sat down on the couch.

'No' I said as I cuddled into him and he put his arm around me. Naomi gave me a nod and then she caught everyone's attention.

'So you guys are probably thinking why have Narcus thrown a part? Well, we wanted to celebrate something with you... We're getting married!' She brung up her left hand to show everyone the ring, she was then tackled by all the girls in the room that wanted to see the ring. I have to admit that it was a really nice ring. 'Wait a minute I have haven't finished yet' she said getting everyone to quiet down again. 'We are having the wedding in September, I know, I know that's quick! Yes it is, but I don't want to be showing when I get married so yeah.' She said while rubbing her belly, more cheers crossed the room and more people tackled the two love birds.

One hour later___

'Verity, I going to stay round my mates house tonight' James said, I soon realised he was talking about a girl as he walked out the door with a smirk on his face. Naomi wouldn't stop talking about wedding plans, jesus that girl can talk. We discussed the dresses, the colour scheme and invites. They want a quiet wedding with family and a couple of friends. They have already said that they want to get married in Thailand at the villa.

'I'm getting tired so I think I'm going to head out, call me on Monday yeah?' I said saying goodbye, I was just about to leave as drunk Joe came and stopped me. 'Joe are you drunk?'

'Maybe a little, yes, but that's what celebrating is all about, where are you going?' He slurred.

'Home, I have to write some more of my book in the morning and I don't really fancy doing it with a hangover.' He laughed and leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my head so he got my cheek, teasing him.

'At least let me walk you home' said Joe, he looked at me with his puppy blue eyes.

'I don't want to stop you from having fun, stay here. I'm all right on my own don't worry about me' I reassure him. He nods and I open the door leaving the Narcus household.

I start walking down the dark street taking in every bit of nature that surrounds me and as I turn the corner I'm face to face with someone who I didn't want to see. Riley.

'Verity?' His eyes widen and I can smell the scent of whiskey coating him. 'I miss you so much please come back to me, I love you. Please, you are my one and only, I can't live without you and I have a pretty good feeling that you can't live without me either.' His choice in words do not impress me in the slightest.

'I have you know I'm happy, actually I haven't thought about you at all!' I declare and suddenly he moves closer to me with a devilish look in his eyes. This look is one I have seen many times before. I back away taking small steps backwards. 'Riley, go away!' I shout at him, he grabs my hand and pulls me away, I can't get out of his tight grip. 'Riley, let go of me please!' I shout again, but I get no answer. We suddenly stop and he pulls me so I'm in front of him and pushes me up against the wall.

Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatcherjoe FanFictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя