Chapter 17 { To Kill A Kyle }

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><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

"What's so important!" I shouted at Sky, we're back at my place now.
"You'll see later, now do you have any ropes?" She asked, looking around.
"You're going off topic, and why do you need a rope?" I asked out of curiosity. What can I say. I'm a curiosity cat.
"Did you really have to kill him?" I lower my voice. Looking down at my dead brother on the floor. He looks so much like our father.
"He's not totally dead." She stated.
"What! How? Death and life are 2 things, there is no in between!" I yell at her at my friend again.
"Can you get me some rope?" Sky looked In my eyes. Her words were bold.

I signed. Teleported away, a minute later I was back. Holding a rope in my hands.

"Here's your precious rope. Now what's it for?" Saying as I gave Sky the rope. She didn't respond. She pulled out one of my spiny chairs, into the middle of the room. Then went back to me, looked me in the eye. Her eyes trained on me then she bent down and picked up Kyle, and throw him over her shoulder. Wow that girls strong. Then placed Kyle in the chair, and started to tie him up.

"I don't really see the point of tying up a dead person." I said crossing my arms, and tapping my foot. Waiting for what every Sky's doing, to be over. Then an idea came to mind. I ran into the kitchen and found a paper bag and sharpie. When did I ever get this, I have no idea. I drew horns, moustache, beard, and goggle eyes.

I ran in to see Sky finishing the knot in the rope. When she was done, I put the bag over Kyle's head. I grabbed my new phone, which I stole, and took a picture. Ya gotta save this moments.

Sky glared at me. One of her, 'you are an idiot' looks. I pulled up my phone and took a picture. I gave her a cheeky smile.

"So tell me why you tied up a dead person, it's not like he's going anywhere?" I asked for the millionth time.
"We're running out of time, I'll explain later." Sky said.
"What are we running out of time for?!" I pretty much screamed.

Sky looked at her watch again. Signed, then placed to fingers on Kyle's neck. Then the impossible happened. Kyle gasped for breath.

"How!!!!!" I demand. My eyes are basically wide enough to fall out.
"It's a technique I learned, you have 1 hour till the person is dead. You just stop them from breathing."
"You couldn't have just hit him in the head."
"Well I was going to give you the choice if you wanted him dead or not, but I think you already made up your mind, when you asked why I had to quote, kill him."
"I don't care if he's dead."
"You do."
"No I don't!"

"Ohh, I didn't know you cared." Kyle said interrupting the fight.
"I don't."
"My feelings are so hurt." Fake hurt in his voice.
"Can we kill him now." I wined, that made Kyle freeze.
"No." Sky said.
"Wwwwhyyyyyyy." I wined louder. I looked at Sky and Kyle. Kyle looked completely scared.
"Aww is someone scared." I cooed
"Ha! You wish!" Kyle said. Both me and Sky didn't buy it.
"We're not killing Kyle." She said. I mumbled a "fine."
"Thanks beautiful." Kyle said to Sky.
"Must you flirt with every girl you see?" I asked Kyle.
"Only the pretty ones." Kyle said. In return Sky hit him where the sun doesn't shine. I laughed. That gotta hurt. Too bad I didn't see his face, when Sky did that.

Sky leaned in his ear, but I heard what she said.
"Just because, were not going to kill you, doesn't mean we can't hurt you." I snickered at that.
"So please, do tell why you brought me here?" Kyle asked.
"Yes do tell Sky." I said.
"Ohh, Sky I like that name." Kyle said. Sky hit him again.
"Watch it. A man must keep his looks." Sky hit him in the head this time.

"Oh, and why's there a paper bag on my head?" Kyle asked yet another question.
"All Quantum's idea." Sky bluntly point out. Giving me a devilish smile. Ok, this new Sky scares me.
"Haha, hate to break it to you honey, but her names not Quantum, it's Robin." Kyle laughed.
"I know." Sky said simply as ever. That shut Kyle up for 2 seconds.
"So could yah let me leave. K thanks." Kyle said struggling with the rope.
"Your not going anywhere." I said to Kyle. Enjoying watching him struggle.

Then Sky laughed. I looked at her.
"What's so funny?" I asked, it usually takes a lot more to make Sky laugh.
"You two are so alike."
"We are not!" Both me and Kyle said hysterically.
"You both are pig headed, ignorant, comically, and idiotic. Both of you talk the same way. You have the same hair colour, skin tone, and nose features. I say you're the same." Sky said.
"I'm very offended by that." I said.
"I agree with Robin." Kyle said. I glare at him.

"Can we kill him?" I asked hoping to be wrong, with what's Sky's going to say.
"No." Darn it!
"Why not?"
"Because is not an answer."
"Can we talk about this later."
"So never. Why?"
An evil smile found its way to Sky's lips.
"Because." She said evilly.
"BECAUSE IS NOT AN ANSWER!!!!!" Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Sky laughed to herself as she left the room.

"Where are you going!" She didn't turn, she just left. "Come on! Both of you are luck it's my birthday tomorrow!!!!" I screamed out loud.

"Oh joy." Kyle said, not even trying to be sarcastic.

Me: hey guys! Sorry for the late chapter, my head was to busy being in the clouds, and half my work got deleted.
Quantum: please like and comment. Bye. *teleports away*
Me: dang it! Now I have no one to bug! Wait...... Alex! Alex!
Alex: it's Alexandra.
Me: Yah whatever. Soooo how was the ride?
Alex: *eyes get firey*
Me: *slowly backs away* ok then.

If you didn't know Alex is a character in my friend's book, that I created. Go check it out. gnkp89

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