Chapter 5 { Donuts }

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><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait! You mean to tell me...uh I don't know, just explain." I yelled. This can't be really true! Can it?

"You didn't say the magic word." Barry said sarcastically. I glared at him. I don't really wanna listen to any sarcasm right now.

"Explain!" I said slowly giving glaring at Barry and the dude, I still don't know the name to.

"My theory is bla bla bla bla bla bla   Bla bla  bla bla..." He said.

"Umm, English." I asked.

He signed. Barry laughed slightly.

"My theory is that in a word you were able to cross over to our world, simpler to yours, but some events changed. Reason for your lack of knowledge including the Justice League." He said, still not totally unacceptable, but good enough.

"So, out of all possible reason, skipping dimensions?" I asked sarcastically. I only speak in sarcasm anyway.

"I ran your fingerprint through all birth records. Nothing came up. There have be no missing persons, that match you. You fell out of the sky and survived. We have had contact to other dimensional worlds, I know it when I see it." He said. Side note. Don't try and talk serious with him. I can not keep a straight face. Bat costume doesn't help.

"Ok so say this is true or not. What am I going to do?" I asked. Ideas would be helpful.

"Well first you could tell use your real name." Barry said.

"No thanks. Plus, I don't know your names or even code names, if you have one." I said.

"He's Batman." She pointed to the guy dressed like a bat. "..and I'm Wonder Woman, but you can also call me Diana." The lady said.

"Nice to know. But we can't play circle time forever. I would sorta like to go back to my own world, but I'm in no rush." Yah, I don't really wanna go back home and try and fix things, but I need to do it some time.

Speaking of fixing things, last time I saw them was at the mountain, that was exploding, and I'm gone. OH, NO! They probably think I'm dead! Oh, that's not going to be fun to come back to. So great, I'm really dead after all.

As I was blabbering in my head. I didn't notice Barry, Wonder Woman, and Batman talking in the corner.

"Quantum?" Wonder Woman asked me.

"Yyeesss?" I asked right back.

"Because we don't know what to do with you yet, would you mine staying here for awhile?" Barry asked.

"Umm, sure why not." I have no where else to go anyway. Plus I wanna donut. I'm starving.

"Umm Barry, as nice as it is for her to stay, she has no where to sleep." Caitlin said like I wasn't even there. But somehow it wasn't in a mean way.

"It's ok. I can sleep on the spiny chair, it's pretty comfy." Its true. I do not lie...In my head.

"Are you sure." Caitlin asked concerned and unsure.

"Totally." I said.

"Then I think it's a good time for us to leave." Wonder Woman said. Smiled and waved then left with Batman.

It turned to silence.

"Soo." I said trying to break the silence.

"You hungry?" Cisco asked.

"Well, do you think I would be hungry if I, fell out of the sky and, the last time I ate was in a plane, yesterday." I said.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." Cisco said.

He handed me a vanilla donut with chocolate icing. I did what I always do when I get sweets. I stuffed my face with the Oh So Great Donut. Sadly it was gone in like, two bites. Cisco got a vanilla donut with rainbow bits. Caitlin got a chocolate donut glazed in vanilla. And Barry at ate all the other donuts expected for 1. I was still hungry we all know what that means.

><><><Normal P.O.V><><><

Quantum vs. Barry

We both glared at each other. Excepting the challenge. Little did they know, they both had powers. Barry used his super speed and darted for the donut. Snatched it in his hand. Smirking. He thought she would be shocked to find out about his speed over a donut. She smirked right back. She could of teleport somewhere were he couldn't fine her and eat the donut. Or stop time and eat it, but that's hard, but worth it for the last donut. But where's the fun in that.

All Quantum thought was to fight fire with fire. Make it a fair fight.

She raced for the donut with a blast of speed, she snatched the donut out of Barry's hands. Turned around and stopped, waving the prized donut in her hand. Smirk, then laughing at their expressions. Everyone was shocked she had super speed, they shouldn't really. What would they expect she came out of falling over 100km or 200km.

In victory she took a bite of the donut. Then ate it whole.

Winner! Quantum!

><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

After I won the wonderful donut, that was amazing. Everyone looked at me in aw. I know why. And no it's not because I'm the the Donut Master.

"What! I fell out of the sky! 3 hours later I'm fine. Didn't you expect me to have some powers." I said obviously.

"So is that why you like to be called Quantum?" Cisco asked.

"Ummm, sorta." Well I don't really know why.

"What time is it?" It's probably 5 something.

"Ummm... It's." Barry looked down at his watch. "6: 10" umm what am I going to do for a few hours.

"What am I..." I started, then this blazing alarm blasted. Everyone surrounded the large desk, in the middle of the room. Everyone looked so in the zone. "Umm, sorry to interrupt but, WHATS GOING ON!" I was freaking out! What was happening! Next thing I now Barry zoomed out of the room, with some suit, I just noticed behind me.

What's going on?!?!?!


Hi guys! How you enjoy this chapter. Hope it was awesome sauce! Tell me what you guys think or what I should improve, that would be great.

Thanks, and remember to like and comment!!

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