Chapter 7 { Well }

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You'll know later about this pic.

><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

I walked through along hall in a library. I looked up and the walls went on forever. There were books and books and books.

The lighting was lit by torches. Everything looked so old. I see some cobwebs too. Ahh, please be no spiders! I hate em'. Hope Spiderman doesn't hear that.

I walked through the halls, it was like a maze. It was to hard to see anything 20 feet in front of me, or behind me. How did I even get here? I don't remember coming here.

I walked into what looked like the middle of the library maze. It was much brighter than before. There was a Well in the middle, of the room. I think I'm walking on a wooden or stone floor. What's a Well doing here? I looked at the Well closer. It was a stone Well with some kind of engravings. It was all stone expect the vines that wrapped around the Well. This vines had a glow to them. It was, in all words, beautiful.

I come closer to the Well to see what was at the bottom. I walked up a few steps, to get to the Well. I looked into the bottom. I felt like a witch looking into her cauldron.What I saw, I could not look away.

The water was an aqua blue. It had this glow, around it.

I reached down to touch the water. It was cool. I felt balanced somehow. Then yet wondering. The water began to swirl. But I didn't take my hand out. I didn't want to.

The water took 3 seconds to calm. An imaged reflected in the water. There was this girl who looked older than me, maybe 18 or something. She was stunning. She had this long straight, raven black hair. She looked pretty tall, but I could only see her. Her skin was tanned. Her eyes were this cold, sky blue, with specks of grey. She had black eyeliner on, and black lipstick on, buts that's all the makeup I could really tell she had. All her features were amazing. She looked fit.

Then for some reason, I made a circle in the water. It calmed a second later.

The image changed now it was Speedy. She had her suit on, but her mask and googles were off. Revealing her green eyes. She looked really pretty. The imaged moved like a TV. She was talking to Sam. I could tell, I couldn't see him though. "Riley?" He asked.

Speedy's name is Riley. That's nice to know. Then before I could see anything else, I made a circle in the water, like before.

This time it was a group of people. I noticed, Batman and Wonder Woman. There was this other guy with a bow. One had green skin. Another girl with mace and hawk wings. Some guy that was all in green, and a green ring. Another with a trident. They all looked at a screen, it was the news of me and Barry.

I made a circle in the water again. I calmed 2 seconds later.

There was this arctic wolf, with vibrant blue eyes. It only looked like a teen wolf, in a way. You know when it's not a baby, and not a adult.

  I made a circle again.

Guns were being fired. Salt laid on the floor. A sliver knife was throw into a tree.

I didn't even react. I just made a circle in the water.

It was this girl that looked my age. She had teal hair. Teal eyes. Her skin was very pale, almost white. I didn't see what she was wearing, she was holding a bag though. She was running in the middle of the street, she was running for her life, by the looks of it. Sweat ran down her face.

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