Chapter 1 { Crossroads }

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Ideas of Quantum's costume. Also, I drew this about a year ago.

><><Mystery's P.O.V><><

"This is the person we have been waiting for? Surely this is a mistake." Said Death.

"You haven't given her a chance. It's only been a few weeks." Life said

"We have waited from, the beginning of time ,for this. I can't wait any longer." Stated Lies.

"You just have to lie ever second you get, don't you. You can wait a little longer." Truth said to Lies

"Is everyone here?" Asked Fate.

"It looks like everyone is here, me, Fate, Truth, Lies, Death, and Life. That's everyone." I said.

"So you all know why we gathering today, so let's begin." Said Fate.

"Are you sure this is the girl? Are you sure Fate?" Asked Death to Fate.

"Yes, it is the girl." Fate reassured Death.

"But she is to childish, unprepared, and doesn't think things through." Shouted Death.

"She is a child. Don't expect a warrior out of a child. She just learning." Said Life.

"What are we going to do, about her dying to soon. Shouldn't you have know what would happen Fate." I asked.

"I can't stop everything." Fate shouted in defence.

This things usually end in fighting.

"Maybe we should send her to the crossroads." Suggested Truth.

"But what if she chooses wrong? And doesn't one of us ,have to guide her, through the crossroads." Said Lies.

"Lies has a point, who would guide her through it, and what happens to us, if she chooses wrong." Said Fate.

We all looked at each other.

"I'm not." Death said first.

"I'm to busy watching over everyone." Life said next.

"I agree with Life, I'm to busy." Said Fate.

"I can do it." Said Lies.

"We all know that's a lie." Said Truth.

Hmmm maybe I should do it, I'm not that busy.

"I'll do it." I said.

Everyone agreed.

"If she does pass the crossroads, what will happen next?" I asked Fated

He smiled.

"You'll just have to wait and see. Have a little faith."

"This meeting is over." Said Fate.

><><>Quantum's P.O.V><><><

I open my eyes. I'm in a white room, with nothing in it. No doors or windows, or any furniture. Everything is really bright.

Where am I?

"Your dead." Someone said. That freaked me out. Where did that come from? Where is this person? Wait ,did they just say I was dead?

"Who are you?"

"Good question. Who am I?" Mystery person said. How should I know, who is this mystery person.

"I don't know... Where am I?" I asked, as I started to walk around.

"Ahh, another good question. You are in the crossroads." Mystery person replied.

"Crossroads?" I asked.

"A place between death and life." They said.

"So, why am I here?" I asked.

"You have the choice to go back or not." They said.

"So chose wisely." They said.

Then I turned around. 2 pedestals stood in font of me. They both looked the same, but 1 had a smooth rock that said life, and the other said death.

Ok, they said chose wisely. So which 1 do I pick? Would death mean I totally die, or am I already dead. Would life mean, I come back to life, but no one comes back from death. Maybe wolverine or deadpool, but they both have healing factors. Wait, didn't I heal from being stabbed.

So what's happening? I don't think anyone's going to answer that.

They said chose. They never said chose 1. What would happen, if I pick up both rocks? Would I stay here? Well let's try, maybe something will work.

I grabbed for both the rocks at the same time.

I closed my eyes, I didn't open them, nothing happened. I opened my eyes.

"What do I do now?" I asked, trying to get the mystery persons to come back.

No one answered. That person is a real mystery.

"Umm, anyone going to answers?" No one answered. Guess not.

"Umm, I chose life and death." I said, still trying to get that mystery person to come out.

Nothing happened, but I feel like someone's smiling.

Then I heard something behind me. I turned around again.

There was a door.

Well, what's the worst that could happen. Don't answer that.

So I went through the door.


Omg. First chapter is out! What you think? What do you think of the costumes? Btw the drawings aren't the best, I just do it to get the idea down.

Oh it's summer now. Yeah!

P.s checkout my new book Corruption.

P.s.s Something to keep in mind.
Everything will reveal its self in time.

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