Chapter 6 { Cold }

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><><><Quantum's P.O.V><><><

I went to Caitlin, to see if she could tell me anything.

"Caitlin, could you please tell me, what in the world is going on!" I asked kindly-ish.

"Bank robbery." She said like this is normal. Which it probably is. Makes sense Barry is a superhero.

"Oh. K."I said simply also. I walked over to Cisco, to see how it was going.

"So what's happening?" I asked Cisco, who was frantically pressing buttons.

"Coms are out, and listen to what Barry lasted said." Cisco pressed some buttons and a recording came on.

"I don't see anyone! Everyone gone! There's nothing hzzzzzzzzzzzzz." The recording turned to static. Cisco and Caitlin were trying to get the coms back.

"What are we going to do!?! It was obviously a trap or something! Where are all the police!?" I got a horrible plan, hopefully it works.

"The police aren't even coming! Are systems been hacked! No no no no no!" Cisco started to freak out also. Same with Caitlin.

"Ok, tell me where Barry is!" I yelled in a hurry.

"What!?" He asked.

"Tell me, where, Barry is." I said calmer.

"Uhhh, 42th StillStone Street, why?" Cisco asked. Well Cisco, it's all apart of the plan. (Made up the street name)

"I'm going in, and save Barry." Part of the plan.

"What its to dangerous! Your just a kid!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Yah, a kid how survive falling out of the sky! And much more. I can handle it." I rushed out of the room to got save Barry.

Then I came back.

"Uhh, I don't know where that is."

Cisco and Caitlin looked at each other. Probably thinking the same thing.

"This is a bad idea." Caitlin said.

I was given a earpiece and bracelet. " the earpiece is a com, we can guide you where to go. The bracelet, is a monitor, it watches you vitals. Don't take it off. We can guide you the whole way if they stay on." Caitlin explained.

I run to the door way.

"Another thing." Cisco said.

"You can't call him Barry his the Flash." Cisco said again.

"Got it." I responded. I turn around ready to leave.

"Keep your hood up. And be careful, kid." Caitlin said lastly.

That made me smile. I put my hood up like Caitlin asked. Not like anyone will know who I am anyway.

I sped off. I don't like using my speed to much because, I don't have much control over it, and it's hard to see. I just see blurs everywhere. I like teleporting way better, though uses a lot of energy and if I don't know where I'm going I end up somewhere random.

"Ok, tell me where I going because I'm blind out here." I yelled through the com.

"Ok you have to go left." "K." Straight." "Ok." Go left and straight 2 more times." 45 seconds later. "Ok what next?" "Go straight 2 more blocks, you should see a bank." "Does this bank have a golden lion and say Central City Royal Bank." "yep." "K. Going in." I put my finger off the com. And stopped at the front. (Made up the bank)

Ok. I can do this. I made sure my hood would stay up. Hope the big 'star labs' doesn't give anything away.

I used the energy around me to make sure the coast was clear. Which it wasn't. Thought it was weird. There were only 2 men and a girl. 1 had some sub zero energy, another had fire, other I couldn't tell.

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