A glance

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He sat there and smiled to her every word. Her blush pink finger tips would push her brunette hair back behind her hair in an awe flawless motion, like she practiced it in front of the mirror until perfection. The way his brown eyes pierce her soul and bounce from her browns to her lips send shiver down her spine and if you listen closely, I swear you can hear her gasp of air.

Nicholas Vincent." He smiled widely stretching his sun kissed hands to her pecan ones. Nicholas repeated to herself, she thought it fits. He fits. A name to match the man.

"Evangeline Monrovia." She stretched her hand.

"Evangeline" He laid a kiss to her fragile hand and say her name as in to taste it and paused. "You are extremely beautiful, with a name just as beautiful." This cause a Blush to creep up her face and dance in her mouth.

Her voice didn't fail to hide flattery his words cause. "Thank you."

His looks well enough to let the recently dim light behind her eyes shine. He didn't say much, but spoke plenty. Only saying a line or two so she can reveal her soul. He captured her face minutes before in his old fashion camera and the urge to find out more about her, drew him in. A glance wasn't enough, he wanted to touch something so pretty and fragile.

He laugh and placed his chocolate hands on hers and her heart stops for a small second and continue it course, as if it is use to the sudden pause. He leaves his hand there nonchalantly and regularly stroke back and forth and in light circles. An act so intimate but welcomed like the sun kissing your skin on a cold January day.

"Tell me Eva. Would you say you are happy?" She raised a humor brow at him.

"Eva." She smirked

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"No, not at all." She didn't mind. It reminded her of her grandfather. He would call her name with such Grace and royalty it made her feel like a queen.

"So tell me are you happy?" The question lingered in her mind. She twirl it around her tongue and search her mind.

"I am happy when I take long baths with Moroccan sea salt, I am happy when I season a stewed chicken, I am happy when rain hit my skin on a hot summer day. I am happy when I walk sunshine."

"Speaking of which, I have to go walk sunshine. She is particular about her walk and when not given at least three times a week? she starts to act like Brittany Spears Sierra 2007." He laugh with his belly at her reference.

"Do you mind if I join you? I mean this had been great. I would like to continue talking."

He walked beside her meeting her short pace without any eagerness. She like art, he thought to himself as she talked about artist, gallery and museums. "I just haven't met a girl like you." He laughed at her confession of spending more time studying artist than their work itself.

She is flattered even more flattered than when he took the sit across from her and insisted she stayed for a drink.

"I haven't met a man like you either." She glance up from hooded lashes and push her hair back again, this time slowly biting her lips. A habit she had, to hold back the habit of bursting out what she is thinking. A habit that made his need to place his lips to hers grow immensely.

His eyes linger on her lips for a second too long. Telling her all his wishes. "Evangeline, have dinner with me tonight and breakfast tomorrow, then lunch, then repeat for as long as I can make you happy." He smiled proudly with certainty. "Say yes."

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