Oliver stood on the pavement, red faced, as he attempted to regain his breath. He stared up at the enormous warehouse and then back and forth down the empty streets.

Nathan wasn't exactly a candidate for a good character award anytime soon or possibly ever. For one, the building that Oliver stood in front of was a smuggling business that specialized in artificial alpha hormone drugs, smuggling omegas and heat resistant pills. The smuggling was illegal and so were the medical drugs because they weren't tested and tended to have bad side effects or were more commonly used as the wolf equivalents to heroine or cocaine.

Despite the money, Oliver honestly had it bad for Nathan to the point where it scared him especially when Nathan would request random favours from him like checking up on the smuggling/drugs registrations at the warehouse or checking up on the Arena which was a local werewolf club that also doubled as a fighting pit very far below the club, hence the name.

Oliver knew that this was a bad idea but he strolled into the warehouse in his dark blue shirt and a bit too tight black skinny jeans. His boots thumped against the concrete as he headed straight into the back towards the office, attempting not to make eye contact with fellow omegas or betas and some alphas who were seated, waiting. Some were obviously drug addicts while the healthier ones were probably there for smuggling.

He turned the knob, entering into the office to see Andrew shuffling through paperwork, Hakeem napping against his desk and Ty packing away some of the drugs into multiple bags. There were other workers in the basement probably doing screening and others outside organizing God knows what else.

"Wake Hakeem up, Jason Royal just walked in," Ty laughed as he spoke to Andrew.

Andrew snickered, walking across the room to the back to retrieve some more papers. Oliver laughed dryly and loudly, smacking Hakeem upside the head before collapsing into the seat besides him and then wincing because his arse was still sore from earlier.

Hakeem glared at him from the corner of his eyes, huffed and rubbed his head.

"The joke died like a thousand years ago, let it stay dead." Oliver grumbled.

Prior to Oliver being involved with Nathan, he had been working at an escort service when he had met him. Not by choice and for safety matters, the company had given the escorts aliases, for him it was Jason Royal, which was where Nathan's nickname 'Prince' had come from.

"Laugh all you want but if this damn paperwork isn't accurate then Nathan is going to kill me but not before I tear you guys apart,"

Oliver threatened.

"Big words coming from an Omega," Hakeem commented with a bored expression but amused eyes.

Hakeem despite his silent nature was a strong alpha of African descent, about quite tall with short, curly, brown hair and chocolate eyes.

Ty was the one everyone mistook for an Alpha or at least a Beta because of his outspoken and assertive personality when he was actually an omega, a little under average height with golden blonde hair and a mischievous face.

And Andrew, a Beta, had an Irish sort of finish, he was mixed with dark brown freckles and hooded eyes, accompanied by a friendly smile.

The four boys spent the entire day working in the warehouse processing data, organizing information for smuggling and selling the drugs. It was about seven o'clock, when the majority of the customers had left, that a commotion could be heard from outside the office. Hakeem glanced at Andrew and Oliver questioningly before exiting the office's door while Oliver brought up Nathan's number on speed dial.

"What do you think's going on out there?" Andrew questioned, squinting through the blinds of the office door trying to get a peek.

Before Oliver could muster up a respond, the door was flung open by an unknown werewolf with sharp teeth. Behind him stood two others and Andrew grabbed a hold of Oliver, attempting to exit through the back entrance and down the corridor. The staff working in the basement and out in the yards had already gone home for the day.

Heavy footsteps followed close behind as they hid within one of the filing rooms. After the steps hustled down the corridor, Oliver tried to catch his breath.

"This isn't g-good, this shxt j-just isn't good. W-What the hell i-is going on?!"

Oliver freaked out in a whisper.

"I have no idea but if they were able to overpower Hakeem and Ty, then this is serious, where's your phone?"

Andrew inquired.

Oliver's eyes widened and he cursed under his breath, "I dropped it in the office...Shxt, we're dead...Nathan's gonna resurrect us and then rip us to shreds himself!"

"Just relax. No one is going to die, we just need to get out of here. Help me push the cabinet from in front of the window, then we can climb down the fire escape,"

Andrew instructed to which Oliver complied. Together they silently as possible but as quickly as possible pushed the cabinet aside before Oliver flung up the window without thinking.

It made a loud screeching sound to which Andrew cursed because they could hear footsteps coming their way. He practically shoved Oliver out and they scurried down the back of the building. Jumping to the ground from the last step, they sought out their surroundings.

"I'm going to see if Ty and Hakeem got out, stay here and don't come out. I don't need Nathan getting pissed if something happens to you,"

Andrew left Oliver alone trembling in the cold, damp alleyway. He paced back and forth, adrenaline and worry pumping through his veins. His mind was all over as he tried to calm his terrified scent but at the sound of growling behind him, Oliver's soul had left his body because he had realized that one of the unknown wolves had found him through his scent.

He brought his back against the wall, trying to force some instinctive defense like his canines or claws but nothing had been working. His back slid down against the bricked wall as about four shadows appeared above him. There were no Betas or Omegas present because the alleyway was flooded with overpowering Alpha scents.

This scene brought forth long forgotten memories for Oliver which caused him to curl into himself, whimpering like a wounded puppy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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I Think We're Doomed *Gay Novel* (Werewolf. BoyxBoy. BoyxMan.)Where stories live. Discover now