Chapter 9 | Hello?

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c h a p t e r  9



Piper just looked at me, completely speechless. A squeak uttered from her mouth, barely audible.

"Piper? Are you...okay?" I asked her cautiously.


"Calm down! Calm down. Stop screaming," I told her.

She just looked at me in surprise before replying, "I CAN NOT CALM DOWN!"

"Please at least lower your voice," I said. "I would prefer if my whole family didn't know that I have Harry Styles' suitcase."

As if on cue, Reagan appeared out of nowhere and shrieked joyfully, "YOU HAVE HARRY STYLES' SUITCASE?" Her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

Piper finally lowered her voice, but was still giddy. "You know, I don't know why I didn't see this before. I mean, it was so obvious! This totally explains all the button down shirts and the boots," she babbled. "That's his signature outfit."

Reagan looked at me brightly, talking in excitement. "This is so amazing! Now you guys can meet, and get married, and--"

I cut her off. "For the last time, I am not going to get married to anyone from One Direction. And just because I have his suitcase doesn't mean we'll ever meet."

I looked over at Piper to find her looking lovingly at the suitcase. "I touched his clothes," she murmured. "And his shoes."

"Sure you'll meet him! Wouldn't he want his clothes back?" Reagan argued.

"I have no way of contacting him, smart one," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Hello, he's Harry Styles. Besides, he's rich. He'll just buy new ones."

Piper snapped out of her daze. "Maybe there is a way you could contact him. And get your suitcase back."

I scoffed. "What? How in the world would we do that?" 

"Well, you said your phone was in your suitcase, right?" she asked me, a grin on her face.

"Yeah," I said flatly. "I still don't see where you're going with this."

"What if we used my phone to call yours? Maybe he still has your phone and he'll answer," Piper told me.

"That's so stupid--" I suddenly paused. "Wait, that could actually work."

She pulled out her phone from her pocket, nearly shaking in excitement. Looking through her contacts, she found mine and selected it.

"Here," she giggled as she handed me her phone. "You get to call yourself."

I nervously pressed the call button. "I'm going to put it on speaker, but only if you two promise not to scream if he, for some abnormal, unlikely reason, actually answers."

Reagan and Piper nodded obediently. The phone started dialing. And dialing. And dialing. I started to give up on getting an answer, when suddenly there was a click as someone on the other end picked up the phone.

"Uh ... hello?" A male British accent answered, sounding uncomfortable.

I stared at the phone in awe. No way.

"Hello?" the voice asked again.

"Um-- hi," I managed to reply. "Is this Harry?"

"Well ... uh ... who's calling?" the guy asked, avoiding my question.

"I'm Olivia-- Olivia Thomas. I think our suitcases got switched somehow at the London Heathrow airport? And you have my phone ... ?"

There was silence for a moment.

"Hello?" I asked. "Are you still there?"

"Uh, yes. What color is your suitcase?"

I sighed, getting irritated now. "Red. It's red. And my phone, which you're using right now, is an iPhone 5 with a gray and teal case, if you need more evidence."

The guy chuckled. "Okay, Olivia, was it? To answer your question, yes, this is Harry."

Piper and Reagan, true to their promise, didn't start yelling. They just started to scream silently and jumping around. I grimaced in their direction and tried to ignore them. "Well Harry, is there any possible way I could get my stuff back?" 

"Wow," he said in surprise. "You're not fangirling. Or screaming."

"Yeah, well I'm not like that," I replied in annoyance. "Now answer my question, can I get my suitcase and phone back or not?"

"If I can get my stuff back," Harry said simply.

"Well, duh. Of course you'd get your stuff back." I sighed. "How will we switch back? Because you're in London, and I'm not."

"Where are you?" he asked. "Do you live nearby?"

"I'm not telling you where I live, you creeper," I replied. "I don't even know you."

"Do you live in the states?" Harry asked me.

"Yes. And that's all I'm telling you," I said firmly.

"Well, why don't you fly back here?" he offered. "We could meet up somewhere and switch back."

"Are you kidding?" I scoffed. "I can't afford that. I just got back from London."

Harry sighed. "I'll pay for it."

I paused, startled. "You'll what?"

"I'll pay for your flight out here," he repeated.

"Why would you do that? All for a measly suitcase and some clothes?" I asked, confused.

"Well, you clearly want your stuff back. Plus I doubt you want a new phone." he stated as if it was obvious. "Also, my limited edition boots are in my bag. I don't want to lose those."

I laughed. "Okay, Harry. Let's say I did take you up on this offer. Could I bring my friend?"

"Sure. Why not. As long as I get my bag back," he told me.

Piper had a look of pure joy plastered on her face. She couldn't take all the excitement anymore and started shrieking.

"What is that?" Harry asked, sounding horrified.

"It's my friend that I'm going to bring with me," I said. "She's excited."

"Seems so," he said blatantly. "I'll have my management book you and your friend plane tickets to come to London. Are you able to leave right away?"

"Yes, I think that should be fine," I told him. I smiled happily, the thought of being back in London thrilling.

"Okay. What's your email? That way I can send you the information about the tickets," Harry asked.

I told him my email, and he wrote it down so he wouldn't forget.

"Thank you Harry. I really appreciate it," I smiled across the phone.

"You're welcome love," he replied. "See you in London."

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