Part 18. Moment of Revelry.

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I left the small chamber where Farah's new body lay, and I went to speak with the Speaker.
As Cayde said, The Speaker had been hard at work making a new Shell.
But he said I'd have to wait until morning.
I nodded and left for the central plaza.
I sighed, long and deep.
I was tired.
My Ghost had a comm link open with Priest's Ghost and I heard him bark at me happily.
You busy? He said over laughter in the background.
No, I reply, but I'm tired. I say almost pathetically.
So am I. Now c'mon down here and have a drink.
And in an instant I hear at least 20 voices all laughing and calling for a drink.
I sigh and decided it couldn't hurt.
I walked the narrow streets of The City. People clamoring and smiling as a Guardian walks among them.
Children stumble up to me, their bravery winning out.
Warlock? Can we touch your Cloak? The ask wide eyed and enthusiastic.
I smile and nod, of course little ones. I say as I open my arms, my coat tails wafting gently.
They feel it's fabric as it wraps itself around them.
They laugh and coo and giggle, feeling safe.
I see as night casts itself over the City and I blossom a small orb of Void Light.
I use it as a light, letting the children see but allowing them to still feel safe.
Go along now children, your parents must be worried for you, I say as I pat them along.
They try to protest, but as soon as they hear their parents, decided it was time to leave.
I feel a warmth in my chest as I walk to the bar Ghost pointed out to me.
I walk in, the place was dark but warmly lit.
It gets a little quiet as all the eyes hover to me.
It's mostly Titans and Hunters; Exos, Humans and Awoken.
But no Warlocks.
I feel incredibly out of place.
Dylan! I hear Priest shout.
I see him and he waves me over to a small table with another Titan.
I peer around as I sit.
Now where was I? Priest asks scratching his jaw.
Telling me about a "retarded Exo"? The Titan laughs.
Priest laughs and hits the table, that's right that's right! He says and continues his story.
Always screamed the name of his Gallarhorn whenever he fired it. And I mean he SCREAMED. It was funny at first, but after a few too many times of getting me killed, and blaming it on me, well, I told him to get lost or I'd rip him apart and deliver him to the Speaker myself, he says with a laugh.
I smiled as I thought about bringing up our first meeting upon Venus.
But decided against it.
And who's this? The Titan says looking at me.
His eyes were glossed over, he was a few cups deep, and I didn't want to incur any wrath.
I was about to speak, but Priest cut me off.
This is Dylan, he came to Venus to search me out. Trust me, you ain't never seen no wizard as good as him, he laughs as I look at him.
Wizard? Really? I ask.
Aww c'mon you know it's funny.
I shake my head softly as I peel off my helmet.
Well I better get goin, the Titan says standing, nearly seven feet.
I swear silently as he walks away.
So, Priest folds his hands on the table and looks at me.
Are we a go for Neptune? He asks.
Yes and no. I say softly.
Meaning? He says taking a drink from his cup.
Priest is covering his face as the young woman pulls up a chair and saddles up between us.
So Priest, she asks looking at him but immediately turning to me.
Who's your friend? She smiles.
His friend... I start, is not interested. I say holding my gaze upon Priest.
And I'd appreciate you not interrupting my conversation. I say with a business like tone.
Well it don't matter, a friend-o Priest is a friend-o me, she sneers.
What'you want Kylie? Priest asks her, annoyed.
I told you, I wanted to meet your friend. Maybe get to know him better, she purrs.
There will be no "knowing", I say softly, my eyes starting to glow.
Now please, I suggest you leave us to our conversation. I say waving my hand away, as if shooing her.
Awwwww c'mon, she says reaching for my collar.
Tell me some stories... She coos biting her lip, running her fingers over the fabric of my coat.
BACK! THE FUCK! OFF! Priest screams as he jumps up and flips the table.
He's about to knock her block off but I'm able to stand up and catch his fist.
His Arc Light burning my palm softly.
No Priest.... I grimace.
It's at this point I look around and realize what's happening.
What I didn't want to happen.
All eyes in the bar are on me.
A Warlock, coming between a Titan and whatever he's punching at.
Almost all the faces are in anticipation of me about to get splattered on the wall, or ready for a bar fight.
Maybe both.
He growls as I continue to speak to him.
Priest, what good will it do? I ask softly.
It'll be easy! Just lemme at her! He roars.
His fist throbs in my hand.
At this point, Kylie is behind someone of something, trying to defend herself.
Priest... I say stern.
He looks at me.
My eyes are glowing a calm purple.
Stop. I say with total authority.
He stares at me for a few moments before he sighs, and I let go of his hand.
I don't care now get out! The barkeep shouts as he is kicking out Kylie, and we turn our table back over and sit, Priest looking ashamed.
Someone get that Warlock a drink. The barkeep demands, and several of the patrons give a round of applause.
Saying they've never seen anyone deal with a Titan like I did.
A waitress brings us two new cups, it's on the house boys, she says politely as she walks away to tend to others.
I look at Priest as he drinks.
I can go if I make you uncomfortable, I suggest to him.
Ditto, he says softly.
Now what did you mean when you said "yes and no"? He asks finally.
Cayde is getting us the data, and I requested a Hunter. I say.
And? He rebuttals.
We have to wait. I say folding my hands on the table.
He sips and looks at me and says thanks.
What do you mean?
That. No ones ever been able to stop me. And no ones really cared to. He says smiling.
Well... I smile.
Someone has to guard the Guardians.
He smiles and laughs.
Guarding the Guardians huh? He says looking at me.
Yup, I say as I drink from my cup.
This was the first moment I knew I found a true friend in Priest.
Sure, he may be stoic.
Maybe a little brash and blunt.
But he was honest.
He had nothing to hide.
And Cayde was right.
I'd want no one else at my back during a fight.
We guarded each other.
I'd even dare to call him Family.
And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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