Part 12. Through the Lookingglass.

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Priest and I rode our speeders out over the mountains and foothills.
So I'm curious, I say over comms.
Why do they call you Priest? I have to assume I'm not the only one who would think fallen.
He laughs and replies, Cause I usually read the Last Rites.
I think fitting having seen what he's capable of.
Where are we going? I ask.
The only physical entrance is in Ishtar. The Waking Ruins. He says.
Yeah? Everyone knows that. I reply.
So we'll take the less physical entrance. He says in a type of riddle.
It's just over these foothills. He says getting off his Sparrow.
C'mon, he motions.
I dismount.
Feet kick up dust. Still in the crags.
Ash is thicker though.
Be a prime place for a Fallen raiding party.
Or an ambush.
So how long have you been out here? I ask.
What's time to a Guardian? He replies with a grunt as he climbs a rock.
Just curious, I grunt in reply as I climb after him.
Earth time, I'd say about 75 years. Why? Am I a little crazy for you? He says like he's trying scare me like you would a child.
No, to be perfectly honest. But that's coming from someone who is crazy, I reply.
So if I'm not crazy then what. He laughs.
Simple. I say easily.
You're just simple. Lot simpler than a lot of things in the City. A lot of it is so complex now. There's too many... Restrictions. I say hunting for that final word.
That's why I left. He says.
Plus I tried to fight Zavala. Bad idea, by the way. He says.
What caused that? I ask.
Difference in outlook. He wants to defend the City within the City. I want to go out and rip whatever wants to destroy us to fuckin pieces.
I can't help but share his feeling.
Not how I'd put it but I know where he's headed.
Portal is up here, he says.
Portal? You're taking us through a portal? I say almost worried.
Isn't that, ya know, dangerous?
Of course it's dangerous. He smiles.
It's stupid. I sneer.
But it's also fun, he says.
We crawl up into a little alcove in the mountain.
Almost like a shrine.
To what or whom I haven't the fondest idea.
But my eyes stick to the soft white light floating in the air.
Is that it? I ask.
Yup. C'mon. He says walking to it.
You been through a portal before? He asks.
A couple times. I took the one into the Black Garden if that matters. I reply.
He takes a moment to reply.
Just hold on, he smiles.
He was being fascitious.
There's nothing to hold on to in a portal.
He walked through the portal. Enveloped himself in that foreign light.
I followed after.
Never really had a good time with portals.
Too many variables. Plenty of things to go wrong.
But I didn't have much choice.
And by the Traveler, he was right.
We're in the Vault of Glass, Guardian. My Ghost says to me in my ear.
And not like the Trail of Kbar or The Templar's Well.
No. It was the ACTUAL Vault of Glass.
Where Atheon made his home.
There were plenty of reasons for this place to be dark.
But there was Light here.
Insurmountable Light.
Did you do this? I ask Priest. Referring to the feel in the air.
Well I'd like to think I had a hand in it, he says softly.
The Vault was massive.
No clear sense of where it ended or began.
But I was enthralled by the architecture.
You Warlocks are so funny, I hear Priest laugh.
Always getting so involved in even the littlest of things.
He was right but I didn't care.
It's who I was.
Weaponized curiosity.
C'mon. It's through here. He says.
What? Aren't we already here? I ask.
I didn't want to show you the Vault. You've seen the Vault. What you haven't seen is what's beyond it.
I was puzzled.
Beyond the Vault?
Did such a place exist?
What is it? I ask.
I call it the Lookingglass. And it serves the purpose of what it sounds like.
So it's a mirror? I say confidently.
Kinda. He says taking a small path down away from the Vault.
It's like a room of mirrors that take you where they show. But the only ones allowed are the ones from this side. And they're the only ones who can come back. So that basically prevents anyone or thing coming back with you.
Why haven't you told the Vanguard? I ask.
Cause one; I've only been coming here since I found it about a week ago. And two; why would I want to tell them so they can tell everyone else to stay away and not share in what this place has?
He was right.
Vanguard WOULD tell everyone to stay away.
That wouldn't go over well with anyone. Least of all Ikora.
But she cares too much for her tittle and not for what got her there.
And then there's the other Warlocks.
And the Cryptarchs.
It'd cause turmoil within the Guardians.
So you're basically like the Keeper of Time? I joke.
Hey, I like that. He smiles.
He leads me to a small room with the same soft, floating light that got us here.
There were 9 of these portals.
Where do they lead? I ask.
These on the left lead back in time. Earth time.
And the right? I ask.
Same thing. But to other planets. Ever seen prehistoric Mercury? He says almost excited.
You mean before the Vex got to it? I say
The Vex have always had Mercury. It was a trick question.
I stood taken back.
That long?
That's a terrifying thought.
Ghost said they turned it into a machine in days.
But didn't specify when.
This one will take you to the Tower. But a long time ago tower. Bout 250 years. You'll see Toland. But... He paused.
But? I repeat. But what?
But be careful. He's a little... Off.
I studied his words.
He's a Warlock.
He's going to be abstract.
But the story goes that he was mad.
So you've met him? I ask.
Only seen him. When I tried to introduce myself he said he'd personally tear my Ghost down. Normally I'd pound his face into a mud hole but this was Toland. They call him Shattered for a reason.
I got a shiver up my spine.
Never knew a Warlock to be just that violent.
Even Toland.
And what's with this? I say holding the glint he gave me earlier.
Stepping Stone. You break that on the other side and it'll a bring you here. And it's my last one. And I have to assume no more exist. So you're welcome.
I grimace a bit.
He'd given me that. Given me his last opportunity to meet Vikings or Templars or Crusaders.
Given me his last chance to meet real warriors.
So I could meet a mad Warlock.
I don't know what to say, I whisper running my thumb over the smooth little glint.
Don't say anything. Make it worth it. He says plainly.
I look at him and nod.
My helm masks my face but I wear a quivering smile.
So I break this and it'll bring me back here? I ask holding the Stepping Stone.
Yes. And yes, he sighs sitting against the wall. I will be here when you come back.
You don't have to do that Priest. I say softly.
But I want to, he smiles.
Go ahead. Go and peer beyond the Lookingglass.

Light. Exploits; Book I.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें