Part 4. Seperation.

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We continue and I feel it. The ritual.
What it is.
Why it is.
We need to go back. I demand.
Warlock? What's wrong? Hunter asks placing a hand on my back.
My back is sizzling.
Gah! She recoils.
As the drums beat and violently smash along a profane symphony.
I feel why.
The own form of chaos within me.
Hunter! Here! Titan cries as he binds to a Ward of Dawn.
Go! I shout. Void Light burns from within me.
The universe constantly throwing knowledge and life and death at the same time.
I am a conduit.
In a sense.
An outlet.
Power is mine to harness.
Death is my shadow.
Chaos is mine. To sow.
Voidwalker. I whisper as I hold it within me. But to no avail.
I scream as I am torn apart but put together instantly enough to take no harm.
The power rushes out.
The universe is at peace.
And I am alive.
My dine is chaos.
The utensil.
Void. I whisper.
I touch the ground and look up.
My mind open.
Warlock. Titan calls.
Yes. I reply.
I am. I smile.
ARE YOU DEAD?! Hunter calls.
Yes. I reply.
But alive all the same.
This new power.
I wish to test it. I say palming a blossoming Nova Bomb.
Then the bet still stands, Titan says brandishing Invective.
Only cause I know you're not insane, Hunter whispers, pulling the hammer of Thunderlord.
I run along the path and see the Wizards and Acolytes praying and chanting.
They stare as I throw my own magic at them.
The universe is a volatile thing.
It spawns a Vortex. Sucking them away.
To a place I can hope will bestow it's own form of violent punishment.
My Fireteam sees the new Ogres and baptizes them with bullets and Light.
There is a thunder.
A new enemy.
But something new.
Duke of the Crossover.
He is a massive Hive Knight who would be a king.
Titan smashes him but is knocked away.
He nearly breaks my Hunters arm.
I am scared.
I had never in all my life been so scared.
I did not know what I know now.
My Light was there.
With intent.
To kill.
I wielded the answers and questions at the same time.
The Knight tried to wield its staff against me.
I block and break it.
I put my palms to its head.
I teach it as I was taught.
But it had not my willpower.
It fades away into purple light.
Torn away on all levels.
Until only nothing was.
I look up and know.
My Traveler gave me the gift of mind.
Trail by curiosity.
I reassure my comrades I am fine.
Not sane.
But fine.
And we return home to give answers.
And to get more questions.

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