I laughed. "Oh wow."

"Yep, so make sure you're ready, I'm not taking no for an answer."

I sighed. "Okay but you're just gonna have to come at 8 now."

"You always take so long to get ready. But okay, see you at 8."

We said our good byes then hung up. This was unexpected, but I'm pretty sure it'll be fun.

Yanae Bradford


After Pops shared the news about he and Ms.China dinner ended so Toni and I went up to my room.

I was lounging on my bed reading The Catcher in the Rye while Toni sat at my desk chair on her phone.

She sighed loudly.

"Whats up?" I asked still reading.

"Its these teachers at my school man. One just called my dad and he's gonna tell my mom." She said.

I folded my page to save it then closed my book. "What happened?"

"I skipped with some of my people and got caught. It wasn't our fault though, the teacher was off campus when he ran into us." She explained.

"You skipped?"

Toni furrowed her eyebrows. "Yeah," she said in a duh tone. "I skip pretty often and never get caught."

"Wow, so what happened this time then?"

"I just told you. The teacher was off campus and saw us." She said rolling her eyes slightly.

"Oh yeah." I said lowly. "Whats your mom gonna do?"

Toni shrugged. "She ain't gonna do nothing but pretend to be mad at me in front of Jonathan. My dad is the one to worry about."

Yeah, China isn't really the type to discipline Toni. She goes so easy on her.

"Whats your dad gonna do?"

"Probably take my phone..ground me.. all that good stuff. Thats why I came over here, to buy me some time." She said getting up and coming over to my bed.

"Buy time?" I questioned.

"Hand me your laptop." She said ignoring my question.

I skeptically handed it to her. She logged on then typed in a few things.

"I just so happen to have dirt on this teacher. If he knows any better, he'll call my dad back and tell him this was all a mistake." Toni explained smirking at the laptop screen.

"Why would he do that? Whats the dirt?" I asked.

She turned the screen revealing a picture of a middle aged looking guy and a young girl.

"Because.. one he's married and that's not his wife. Two, she's a minor that's mother I just so happen to know. I'm gonna send him this picture and tell him to make this all go away or I'll send it to his wife and the girls mother."

I just sat there surprised. I didn't know Toni got down like that.

"Wow..." Was all I could say.

"Exactly little sis. If you don't stand up to these teachers they'll forever walk over you."

Those words replayed in my head for the the days to come. It all finally went into play when my science teacher was on me as always.

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