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Isolated in my corner only darkness knows.

My feelings, my pain, I do not show,

Afraid of getting hurt once more.

My days are gloomy and cold even though outside there is sunshine,

There's a black river that keeps on flowing from my black tears I've cried,

There is a hole in my chest where my heart use to be,

Because of love it was ripped away from me.

Dreams turned to dust; hope straight out lied,

Life is just an illusion that tries to blind my eyes,

I keep my eyes close so no one can see the prison I'm in,

How I'm bound and chained from within.

My pain I entombed and no one will ever know how much hurt I've been,

The secrets of sorrow that destiny gave to me,

I don't want anyone to ever feel what my soul feels inside,

So behind my smile my heartache lies.

I'll keep my distance because it's the best thing I can do,

I'll hideaway myself and only darkness knows the truth.

What I never wanted to say so no one will ever tell,

I'll stay far away from everyone and continue in my hell.

In my hell with your memories and reflections from the past,

With the thoughts in the river,mind in the dark.,

Heart in the coffin,

And soul in the buried ground.

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