Drowned In The River Of Hope

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Afraid to make a single sound,

Because that was all she had.

The eyes of dead,

The flowers of evil,

And a mind full of darkness .

Waiting for her beloved,

She drowned,

In the River of Hope.

Afraid to make even a single move,

Because that was all she had.

Rain had sprayed and washed her,

The Sun had dried and blackened her out.

Her ears were used to the heaviness of silence,

Face was used to the tears running down her eyes.

Waiting for her beloved,

She drowned,

In the river of Hope.

She was afraid.,

Afraid of the loneliness in the crowd,

Afraid of living.

She was a walking tragedy.

The girl with the eyes of dead,

Flowers of evil,

And a mind full of darkness.

Was waiting for her beloved.

But,she drowned...

Drowned in the River of Hope.

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