Whilst Flying

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One day whilst flying,

Flying  in the silvery blue oblivious sky.,

I will, I will maybe see...

See the rays of light again.

Which were once captured inside my heart.

Yesterday, a mane of clouds surrounded my neck,

Today, a maelstrom of thoughts

Craving my brain and getting me insane.

But tomorrow, 

Tomorrow maybe I will outshine.

In the midst of flowers.,

Like a dewdrop, I saw

Reflecting the colours of sky.

It was or it.,

Or it must be...

A dewdrop which once fell,

Fell from the silvery blue oblivious sky.

Where once thy used to fly,

With me and the lights captured inside our hearts.

Now, just a maelstrom of thoughts craving up my soul,

Never like those times before.

Waiting for the dewdrop in an abundance.,

Abundance of flowers.

Looking for the light,

That was once captured inside my heart.

With those memories and reflections,

From the silvery blue oblivious sky,

With you.

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