Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!

Ok, before I start the story, there's something's I need to tell you.

1) I have been using my Uncles Xfinity wifi for updates because my neighbors have Xfinity so....

But now, because I have been doing bad in school with my grades, my mom asked them to take it off my phone and change the passcode. So I have to either go to Starbucks or this Café near my house because they have free wifi.

I'm really bummed because I wanted to work on my stories and update for you guys, but looks like that's gonna be hard...

2).. I'm going to be deleting some stories on my works, but only to restart them. I'm currently working on one that's related to something my boyfriend and I have been writing together. I think you guys will love it.

3) so now that I'm going to try my best to work on my stories, I will only work on one and only work on another when I get an idea. So if there's a story you want me to update, I'm sorry but I won't start working on the next chapter unless I have an idea for it.

I love you guys reading my stories and asking to update, but I get the feeling you ask to update in a forceful way.

Ok! Let's start with this Nalu!!!


As the sun was about to set, a blonde celestial wizard was walking to her home. Looking around she saw what was being rebuilt of Magnolia.

"Tartarous really did a number on the town..."

Looking down she reached in her pocket and pulled out the broken Aquarius key. Sadness was seen in her eyes. FairyTail may have won the battle against Tartarous, but Lucy had lost not only a treasured friend, but someone she kept close to her heart.


After pulling the key back she looked up to see she finally arrived at her home.

Ah~.. Home sweet ho-...

"You've got to be kidding me.."

Noticing her window open, she hurried up to her door and quickly unlocked it.

"NATSU", she yelled as she opened the door.

Over at her coffee table, the pinkette was putting a letter down as a blue Exceed was munching on a fish.

"Really Natsu! Right after the whole battle we just finished you just had to break into my home". Lucy crossed her arms and looked at him....

Natsu... didn't look happy.

Usually he would say something... Well, whatever Natsu says when Lucy's like this but.... he just stood there, with a frown.

"Happy... maybe you should go find Carla..."

"But Nat-".."Happy go... I.. I need to talk to Luce"

As the blue cat nodded, he flew out the window with his fish.

" Luce..."

"Natsu, if your gonna break into my home... I might as well change the locks on the window and door"

He stood there silently, still holding the letter in his hand.

"I mean, you constantly break in here and I'm ge-"


"-tting tired of you doing it. I always have to c-"


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