Chapter 9-

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Authors note- 

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting, but my computer broke, and my ipod keeps deleting everything that I have been writing! 

Well, I wanted to ask you ll if you like this story? 

I haven't been getting  much feed back, so I'm asking you all to give me some!

I'm thinking about stopping this story after this chapter. 

if you want me to write more, please tell me because if you don't I might end up cancelling this sequel!

Sorry for wasting your time!


Adam's Point of View-

"Come on!" I call out to Dylan. 

"Follow me, man!" He said taking the lead; sprinting out of the hall way we were now in, and taking an immediate left turn. "Hurry!" He yells again. 

I can hear Jen's cries of frustration, from all the way up the hall. She is absolutely furious!

I had placed Cleo down about a minute ago, and she was now running next to me. For a small girl, she could sure run fast!

 "You douche bag!" I hear my oh so lovely sister call. (note the sarcasm)

"Takes one to know one!" Dylan calls back, as we continue down the hall. "Crazy bitch..." I hear him whisper to himself.

I can see a door now. I assumed that it was an exit, so I grab Cleo's hand and pull her towards it at a faster speed than what she was previously traveling at.

I could hear Jen was gaining on us, and i was slightly confused. Not by the fact that she was gaining, that I had expected, what surprised me was that she was alone. I could only hear one set of feet running. I had assumed that she would have one of her goons chase us down for her. 

Once we get to the door, Dylan  Immediately opens it, since his is in front of Cleo and I. He exits and hods the door open for us. 

I feel something tug back at my hand, and I notice that Cleo has removed her hand from my grasp. 

"Come on!" I say as we are about to exit the building. she was slowing her pace and I knew if we didn't hurry Jen would catch up.

"No. I'm not leaving." She says with such seriousness that I was almost frightened. "If I leave now, she will just come back another time. I'm tired of playing this game. so, I'm not leaving..... but you are." She says as she shoves me out of the door. "Dyan! No matter what happens DO NOT let him back in here!"

The door was then slammed behind me. locking my mate inside with my crazy sister, who just so happens to want to kill her. 

Great... Just great.


Cleo's Point of View-

"Dyan! No matter what happens DO NOT let him back in here!" I say, slamming the door shut, locking my mate out. 

"Bad Move Human!"


Sorry its so short! I haven't had much time to write, but ill try to post again tomorrow! 

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Type To You Later!

Love you all!!!


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