Chapter 2-

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Everyone! The second that you finish reading this story, you have to go and check out the story Well That's Embarrassing! It was written by NiallsBubblyPrincess! (The person who this chapter is dedicated to!) it is a Niall Horan Fan-fiction! It is absolutely amazing!

(Sorry for interrupting your reading! Please continue!)



Chapter 2-

Cleo's point of view-

"Sorry I'm late." The girl standing in the door frame says smiling menacingly, "but, is it to late to object to my brothers marriage to that hu- I mean werewolf?"

The moment I heard that annoying voice I knew who the wedding crasher was. Jen. That evil bitch was back after being banished from our territory, and makes her 'big appearance' at MY wedding. I was fuming mad!

"What the hell are you doing here, Jen?!" My mates voice boomed from beside me.

A smirk formed on her face, causing Adam to begin to shake with anger.

"Calm down brother, you wouldn't want to scare that new wife of yours away on the first day would ya?" Jen says smugly; twirling her long blonde hair in her fingers, attempting to act innocent. emphesis on the word ATTEMPTING.

"Leave Jen." Adam says trying his best to be civil, but it was obvious that he was losing his patience fairly quickly."I banished you, and as your alpha you must accept that."

"That is where you are wrong." She says testing his patience. "We are twins, which means that I am just as powerful as you are, brother. You can't make me do anything."

I could tell that Adam was trying his hardest to keep his wolf from surfacing, but he was losing control.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse Jackie speaks up, "Listen Bitch, I put a LOT of time and effort into this wedding, and your ruining it! Couldn't you have waited another fricken day before showing your smug ass face?!"

Well, that escalated quickly!

"How dare you speak to ME like that! What are you going to do? Your to common to take me on." Jen says letting a little bit of a smile show on her face at the end.

"Excuse me!?... Cleo.." She says directing attention to me, "Hold my earrings, because I'm about to kick her sorry wolf ass!"

If I weren't so scared about why Jen had come here, I probably would have been rolling on the floor laughing at Jackie's reaction.

"No!" I say finally speaking up, and holding Jackie back. I move and begin to approach Jen, but I did so with caution.

"Why are you here Jen?" I ask her in a soft voice, as to not sound demanding.

"For you are course." she says in a 'duh' tone.

"No!" Adam had finally calmed himself enough to speak again. "You will do no such thing. Cleo isn't going anywhere." He says angrily.

"Fine, have it your was, brother, but just know that you have started a war that you may not be able to finish."

With that she left slamming the large doors behind her.


"What are we going to do, Adam?" I ask my mate as we slide into our own sides of the large four poster bed, which sits in the center of our gigantic bedroom.

"You are not going to do anything, and I'm going to worry about that when the time comes. Alright?" Adam says.

I let out a long sigh. "Fine." I huff grumpily.

"Come here." He says gesturing me to shift closer to him on the bed. "Good night, love."

"Night. I love you."


Adam's Point of View-

"Adam, come on man. Wake up!" I awoke to Josh shaking my shoulder.

"What?!" I hiss quietly as to not wake Cleo up.

"We caught and intruder running in the territory. I said we should kill him, but he said he urgently needed to talk to you.. Am I Wasting your time man?"

"No... No. Did you bring him to the dungeons?" I ask thinking that there might be a rogue werewolf hanging out outside of my house.

"What? Do you think I'm stupid or something?! Of course he's at the dungeons!" Josh said snappily.

"Cool... Come on dude, I don't want to wake Cleo." I say getting out of the bed.


We were at the dungeons in no time, and I was greeted by the dungeon guards, Chris and George.

I walked down a long corridor until I reached the medal-barred cells. I walked up to the cell where the scent was most pungent, but I had immediately smelt the rogue once I was within fifty feet of it.

I walk closer to the door to the cell, and I open it just wide enough for me to slip my body inside of it.

"Who the hell are you?"


I wonder who said that last quote???? 

I guess that you are just going to have to keep checking for my next chapter to find out!

How many of you liked Jackie's reaction in the beginning of this chapter? *Raises hand* I know I did! lol!


It may take me a while for me to post the next chapter, because I have end of year testing all this week.(Which is weird cause it's not the very end of the year yet..)

I hope that you all liked it! I really enjoy writing these stories for all of you werewolf loving peoples who are reading this!

I honestly wonder how many peope actually read my entire authors notes. You diserve a high five if you do! *raises hand for high five* 

Well, enough of my weirdness!


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