They were both grabbing my arms, and almost begging. I was laughing but no way was I gonna let them stay at this party.

“Please Adrian.” Vicky said, looking at me with those big brown eyes. She looked so cute.

“No, not the ‘Puss in the Boots’ look!” I pleaded. She looked just like that cat from the Shrek movie. It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

“Then say we can go, please Adrian?” Leah said hugging me with her head on my chest.

“Alright! You two can come, but I don’t want you talking to the boys or anything.” I said giving up.

The both jumped in my arms and I almost fell down on the floor. “Thank you” They said over and over again.

The girls were so excited about the party that I couldn’t say no, but I was worried. College boys weren’t nice guys. The only thing they wanted was sex. They were like me, for Christ’s sake! I’ll have to let them know that Vicky and Leah are off limits.

The girls went to the mall to get something new for tomorrow and I stayed home stocking the fridge and preparing the house.

When they got home it was almost 7 o’clock. We ordered some food and while we ate they asked me if they could call Max and Roxie. I agreed, it was a good idea the two of them to hang out with people who weren’t pervert horny college guys.

“Alright then, there are some rules for you two attend to the party. Rule number one…” .

“Adrian, you promised.” Leah interrupted me before I could start. I sighed. I didn’t want to start a new fight, so I decided it was better to keep my mouth shut. I guess I would have to trust them and just watch them from time to time.

“You’re right, I promised. No rules, but you two have to promise to tell me if any of the guys try anything”. They nodded in agreement.

The next day I was pretty excited about the party. We had a lot of drinks, invited a lot of girls, and it was a bright sunny day. Leah and Vicky weren’t up yet, so I went to the kitchen and had breakfast by myself.

A while later, people started showing up. Soon the pool got crowded and there were people everywhere. Then the girls finally came down. They were wearing tank tops and shorts, but I could see their bikini straps.

“Hey Adrian… who are they?” Luke asked removing his sunglasses to get a better look. And guess what? He was looking at Vicky and Leah. It must be my lucky day.

I always tried to keep my college friends away from Leah, so Luke didn’t know the girls.

“Off limits bro.” I respond with a serious look on my face.

“Oh, come on man! They’re hot!” Luke argued.

“They’re my sister and her friend. You can tell the guys I don’t want anyone near them too”.

“I guess the one with long dark hair and blue eyes is your sister, so perhaps I’m going to introduce myself to her friend, she’s really hot!” he said walking in Vicky’s direction.

“Dude, I said OFF LIMITS!” I grabbed his arm and made him walk to a group of girls that were laughing and a bit drunk.

“Ok, alright! I was just kidding man!” he said laughing at my reaction. Yeah, right.

He was right though. Vicky was looking pretty hot today. She wasn’t very tall, but had a nice body, an angelic face, long light brown hair… Stop Adrian! She’s not some slutty chick from college, that’s Vicky remember? I shouldn’t be looking at her legs and ass like that.

You Know I'm Such a Fool for YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ