"I'll help you," Camila simply said, shrugging as Lauren tried to protest. "I insist."

Lauren finally relented and again silence engulfed them. But unlike five minutes prior, this silence was actually comfortable. But still, Lauren had a few questions about last night. It seemed like she always got into situations with Camila that left her with millions of unanswered questions. But hopefully these questions would be answered.

"So, eh," The taller woman cleared her throat and faced the younger brunette. "How did I get home last night?"

She saw Camila raise an eyebrow, as if she were surprised that she couldn't remember, and Lauren's eyes quickly shot to the floor in embarrassment. She usually didn't drink that much, so she had no idea what came over her last night. At all.

"Dinah called me. I came to get you," Her question was finally answered and she nodded. "How else would you have gotten home?"

Lauren breathed out. Oh. That's why she looked so surprised.

"I took you home and helped you get changed." Camila continued while Lauren kept nodding to everything the girl said.

"But.. How did you –" Lauren hesitated, frowning in confusion. "You slept in my bed?"

She tried her best to formulate her concern openly – she didn't want to offend Camila in any way should they have.. Well, she had no idea what could have happened.

"You asked me to stay. Don't worry, nothing happened."

"I wasn't worried, per se..." Lauren rushed to explain. "Just... It would have sucked that I can't remember."

She blushed deeply once she realized just what she had said, opening her mouth backpedal immediately, but Camila simply burst out in laughter. After a few seconds of utter shock, the green eyed girl joined in. She really felt better now. She felt.. less troubled, laughing with Camila over something futile.

"Trust me," Camila finally husked after her fit had subsided. "It would be pretty memorable, should you ever get that far."


Camila's P.O.V.

After that, Camila and Lauren both retreated to their own worlds, and only joined each other again at dinner. Lauren seemed to be adamant about thanking Camila for taking such good care of her whilst she was drunk, and time and time again Camila brushed it off. She had actually enjoyed it, every second of it. She had discovered a sweeter, gentler side in Lauren that night and she wanted to see it all the time. And it seemed like that was exactly the case.

From the next day on, Camila woke up to freshly made breakfast – specially for her, because she knew that Lauren didn't have breakfast at the house before work – and usually a note with "have a great day" or "smile, you're beautiful" placed next to her plate. It never failed to make Camila smile.

In return, Camila thanked Lauren by having dinner ready by the time she got home from work.

After dinner, they would usually spend time talking over sweet nothings – and sometimes about work but Lauren never really wanted to – and getting to know each other. That's how Camila discovered, day by day, that she had been completely wrong about Lauren Jauregui. She wasn't a coldhearted, stuck-up, rich snob. She was actually a warm and caring being, with a brilliant mind to go along with her beautiful features. The woman was just.. careful.

Camila thoroughly regretted having thought of the raven-haired girl in such way, and she hoped that she could spend her time making it up to her.

Because Lauren was sure worth it.

She knew her feelings were changing about the older girl and she noticed in the little things. She noticed how she was looking forward to Lauren coming home from work, how she was thinking of her when they were apart all day, how Lauren could bring a tender smile on her face whenever she saw a text message from her.

And she enjoyed it thoroughly.

Just like she had enjoyed Lauren's lips pressed to hers that night that the older woman had been drunk.

She caught herself thinking about it regularly, wondering if it would feel just as good would she do it again. She wondered how it would have felt if she had actually kissed her back. She wondered, nothing more; because she hadn't dared bring it up to the woman. She felt like if she voiced it out loud, it would ruin the magic of it all. Lauren clearly couldn't remember and she didn't want to ruin to memory for herself.

Two weeks were spent in this manner, and Camila was blissfully happy. She enjoyed the bond she was forming. And she hoped Lauren was too. But she didn't really realize that she was falling in love with Lauren Jauregui very slowly until this night.

"Hey," Lauren shouted from the door. The younger brunette smiled to herself. She had been sitting on the couch, thinking about the past few weeks, and hadn't even heard the door shut. Seconds later she realized that was because Lauren hadn't even shut the door yet. Her smile instantly grew wider. So Lauren was just as eager to spend time with her as she?

"Hey," Camila returned easily as they met in the kitchen, as they did every day, dinner sputtering on the stove, ready to be served.

"This is really good, thank you, Camila," Lauren complimented her cooking after a few bites and it made her tingle all over. She felt proud.

"So, I was thinking..." The older brunette continued then, and Camila's stomach shifted uneasily. What?

"Maybe we could, like, have a movie night tomorrow or something..." Lauren mumbled, and Camila simply stared; but the other wouldn't meet her gaze. She giggled quietly. Was Lauren nervous?

"What, like, some kind of date?" She teased her 'wife' and was highly amused as Lauren turned bright red.

"Yeah, maybe."

Finally the green eyes met chocolate ones, and both gazed at each other tenderly.

"Yes, I would like that," Camila finally said, soft smile on her lips. "One condition though."


"I get to order in Chinese."

Camila's heart skipped a beat when Lauren smiled at her brightly, clearly relieved that she accepted the 'date'.


And that's when it fully hit Camila: she was really falling in love with this endearing, wonderful, considerate woman. Her wife.


A/N: this was the last part I had. My brain is mush and idk how to find the courage to continue. feed me with muse? your comments help. thanks for reading!

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